Arkistot kuukauden mukaan: tammikuu 2017

LINK 3 – Digitalize or die

In the modern workplace, digital skills are highly valued; in the future, digital skills will be vital. The digital age is expanding into all areas of our lives, and it is not just those who work in IT that will need to be alert of this change.

Five VET-schools, partners in the LINK network,  are currently creating a project-plan about „digitalization and quality in Vocational Education and Training (VET)“, with the focus on the needs and requirements of the labour market and the education of young professionals in various fields. This project is called LINK 3.

Because „digitalization“ is such a huge task and slogan in every country around Europe at the moment, we are establishing an Erasmus+ Project under the programme structure of Key Action 2 – strategic partnerships – which allows us, to share good practice examples, develop our quality in digitalization and implement innovative education methodologies and concepts with the focus of „digitalization“.


During the last five years the core partners have worked together in the field of media design and production in two Erasmus+-Projects: LINK 1 and LINK 2 – both projects has been highly respected by the EU-Commission and the Swiss National Agency. The project results have been of high value for all the project partners (see also

The project partners are Jyväskylä College/Jyväskylä Educational Consortium, Jyväskylä-Finland, Amisto Vocational College, Porvoo-Finland, Hansenberg, Kolding-Denmark, IES Puerta Bonita, Madrid-Spain and the Vocational Education and Training School of St.Gallen, Switzerland (GBS). We are currently in discussion with two more VET schools and two VET teacher training colleges as possible project partners.


A preparatory meeting to prepare the porposal was held 19-20 January 2017 at NEXT in Copehagen. Jyväskylä Educational Consortium was represented by Hanna Rajala,  (ICT & quality) and Rea Tuominen, International Coordinator. The proposal will be submitted by the end of March 2017 by Hansenberg College in Denmark.

More information: Rea  Tuominen (at)

Photo credit: Daniel Kehl

Vision, Innovation, Teamwork, Achievement and Leadership

Kick off meeting in Newtonabbey, NI 

Enterprise is VITAL is a 3-year KA2 project coordinated by Norther Regional College from Norther Ireland. The kick off meeting was held 16-17 January 2017 at NRC Newtonabbey campus. Enterprise is VITAL is a network of colleges that have a desire to increase entrepreneurial activity. Project partners seek to increase their capacity to operate transnationally through the sharing of ideas, practices and methods. The partners are 4 colleges NRC (NI), IES La Senia (ES), AEVA (PT) and Jyväskylä College (FI) and 2 business partners APIP from Spain and Ballymena Business Centre from NI. Jyväskylä College was represented at the meeting by Niina Helin and Rea Tuominen

During the project the network will create Enterprise Clubs, train management and teachers, arrange mobility activities for learners including entrepreneurship competitions and produce a Best Practice Guide, a ‘How to’ Resource Pack for VET providers.


More information: Niina Helin, Entrepreneurship Manager and Rea Tuominen, International Coordinator

Hyvin suunniteltu on puoliksi tehty


EMEU – hanke päättyi, mutta verkoston toiminta  jatkuu

Alunperin tekniikan ja käsi- ja taideteollisuusalojen opiskelijavaihtojen verkosto laajenee nyt uusille aloille. Hankkeen alun jälkeen mukaan ovat tulleet  rakennusalan ja puuatresaanien lisäksi jo pintakäsittely- ja metallialat. Uudessa EMEU4ALL -hankkeessa toimintamallia levitetään mm. palvelualoille. Jyväskylän ammattiopistosta mukana pilotoinnissa ovat sosiaali- ja terveysala sekä horaca.

Verkoston toiminnan kannalta tärkeä rooli on ollut ja tulee jatkossakin olemaan  sen verkkosivuilla Osoite pysyy muuttumattomana, mutta verkkosivuille on tulossa helmi-huhtikuun 2017 aikana useita muutoksia, jotka parantavat sen käytettävyyttä. Sivuille tulee enemmän informaatiota helpommin käytettävässä muodossa ja moduuleihin kirjautumistoiminto paranee. Samalla verkoston laatuprosesseja kehitetään ja mm. palautteista saaadun informaation käyttämistä parannetaan.


Verkkosivuista vastaava Århus Tech:in koordinaattori Louise Okon Willie, laatuprosesseista vastaava Bridgwater&Taunton College:n Jon Harding ja ECVET -prosessista vastaava koordinaattori Rea Tuominen kokoontuivat 12.-13.1.2017 valmistelemaan tulevia muutoksia. Niistä tiedotetaan erikseen sitä mukaa kun muutokset sivuille tulevat käyttöön tai viimeistään seuraavassa verkoston kokouksessa, joka pidetään toukokuussa Hyvinkäällä.


Lisätietoja Rea Tuominen p. 6159