Vaasassa tavattiin

Vaasassa tavattiinAmmatillisen koulutuksen KansainväliSYYSpäivät 3-4.10.2017

Iloinen Vaasa kutsui meitä kansainvälisyyden parissa toimivia yhteen. Teemaksi oli valikoitu oivallisesti ”Yhdessä – Tillsammans”. Ja se tunne jäi kyllä päällimmäiseksi näistä iloisen rempseistä päivistä. Asiantuntijoita oli saapunut näille kokoontumisajoille arvostettava joukko, puheenvuoroja käyttivät niin OPH, oppilaitokset kuin turvallisuusasintuntijatkin. Pääteemaksi olikin valittu yhdessä tekemisen lisäksi turvallisuus. Ja miten hyvään saumaan se nyt tulikin – edellisenä päivänä jouduimme seuraamaan Las Vegasin surullisia uutisia. Yritän kiteyttää muutamia pääkohtia päivistä.

Ammatillisen koulutuksen puoli on muuttumassa ja senkin vuoksi on tuettava kansainvälistä toimintaa. KV on arkea ja siksi meillä on mm. Erasmus+ ja erilaisia hankkeita. Erilaisissa paneelikeskusteluissa ja asiantuntijoiden puheenvuoroissa korostui kulttuuriÄLYN ja uskalluksen merkitys. Anteeksi kielten opettajat, mutta ”Grammatik är inte viktigt” sitten loppujen lopuksi, mutta suunsa olisi hyvä uskaltaa avata! Kansainvälisessä kaupanteossa korostuu kuitenkin kielitaito ja asenne. Esimerkiksi Vaasan Wärtsilällä kaikki työntekijät tarvitsevat englantia ja perusolettamus on, että kieltä osataan. Wärtsilän Vaasan tehtaan henkilöstöstä 25% on käynyt toisen asteen koulutuksen. Meidän kansankynttilöiden on nyt vain muistettava antaa opiskelijoiden uskaltaa harjoitella kieltä turvallisessa oppilaitosympäristössä, sillä ammattilaisia tarvitaan. Tällä hetkellä globaali ammattilaisten kysyntä suuntaa katseensa Latinalaiseen Amerikkaa, Kiinaan ja Japaniin. Siksi myös näiden maiden kulttuurituntemus on avainasemassa.

Toisen teeman, turvallisuuden ympärillä pureskelimme kynänpäitämme hyvän tovin. Teeman alustajien mukaan turvallisuuden kautta tulee osaamista ja laatua. Digin osaaminen niputettiin tähän samaan pakettiin, sillä digi mahdollistaa kansainvälisyyden ihan näin kotikutoisestikin. AdobeConnect-luentoja voi pitää vaikka Japanista käsin. Maailma on siis meillä jo tässä – meidän tulee vain hyödyntää digitaaliset mahdollisuudet. Ulkomaan kirjeenvaihtaja, toimittaja Kari Lumikero kertoikin hyviä esimerkkejä omasta toimittajan työstään niiltä osin, kuin se on siirrettävissä meidän opettajien ja opiskelijoiden hyödynnettäväksi tuonne maailmalle. Wärtsilän turvallisuusjohtaja Rauno Hammarbergin vinkit sekä tehtaan turvallisuussuunnitelma sen sijaan sai allekirjoittaneen aivan liekkeihin!

Ehdittiin me juhlistaakin kansainvälisyyttä. Ja nyt pitää kyllä todeta, että osaa nuo ”rantaruottalaiset” juhlat pistää pystyyn! Tällä ja päivien päätteeksi kuultujen paikallisten menestystarinoiden voimalla jaksaa taas. Huippupäivät, huippuseura, huippufiilis. Tehdään yhdessä – tillsammans!

Sanna-Maaria Kurki, kouluttaja

Five Trainee Teachers from Germany in Finland



We are five vocational trainee teachers from Hessen in Germany. We came to Jyväskylä in the end of September 2017 to get to know the Finnish vocational school system.

The School

From our point of view, JAO is a huge school with a lot of educational departments and opportunities. From the beginning onwards, we felt very welcomed and everyone was helpful.

As we all have different subjects, we were able to get an overview of the different locations. Milena,  who has nutrition and biology, was mostly at Primus working in the hotel, catering and service classes. For biology, she was able to go to the Schildt Upper Secondary School. Silke was mainly located at Viitaniemi in hairdressing and went to the Secondary School at Harju with Religion.  Nicole went to Kukkula working with the practical nurses in health care and English. Nadine mainly worked with bakers in Viitaniemi in nutrition and with chefs and high school students in English. Kristin was in the business department with her subjects business administration and English, and among others, got to know about visual merchandising and entrepreneurship at Viitaniemi.

For us, it was especially interesting how the system of individual learning is implemented into the Finnish vocational system and we are able to take lots of ideas home to our classes. Moreover, the programms VALMA and OKSA were very interesting for us.

In the beginning, the students were very shy, but they opened up a little after seeing us around more often. Especially in the practical lessons, it was easier to get into contact with the Finnish students.

The Finnish Language

For most of us, the Finnish language was something very new when we arrived and it still seems extremely difficult. But we were eager to learn some Finnish and therefore visited a foreign class that taught us some Finnish. In return, they wanted to learn some German and decided that Finnish is the easier language for them, which made the teacher very happy. It was a very funny lesson, as there were so many different languages and cultures in the classroom and we still managed to communicate with one another.






Impressions of Finland

During the three weeks, we used our weekends to travel to get to know different sides of Finland. Firstly, we arrived in Helsinki. Then we went to Rovaniemi to visit Santa Claus, the reindeers and the arctic circle. Our last weekend, we spent in Turku to see the archipelago and to have a traditional sauna with jumping into the Baltic Sea.

We are very grateful for being able to enjoy this great opportunity and learned so many new things. Thanks to everyone who helped to make our stay as special as it is.

Moi, Moi.

Milena, Silke, Nicole, Nadine and Kristin

More information

Rea Tuominen, Jyväskylä Educational Consortium

Ralf Hölzer-Germann, VET teacher training institute in Hessen



Students from Shanghai

We had the pleasure of welcoming guests from Shanghai last week. A group of 7 students and their teacher Karen from Shanghai Commercial and Accounting School visited us in Viitaniemi. They are part of the group of 22 students in Shanghai studying planning and implementation of marketing communication activities. The group is taking part in the programme leading to  Finnish qualification in business and administration. 

 Please find attached a link for the presentation of their visit:

More infromation Johanna Ärling

Picture credit: Petteri Kivimäki (HS)


Network of Networks in Glasgow

35 members from 16 VET colleges and four other organisations came together on Monday 2 October in Glasgow for three consecutive days of discussions and sharing project ideas. The Finnish network was represented by staff from all four VET providers Tredu, Varia, Salpaus and Jyväskylä.Jyväskylä Educational Consortium was represented by Chief IT and Quality Officer, Hanna Rajala and International Coordinators Milka Niskanen and Rea Tuominen.

Network of Networks is a cooperation forum of five national networks; Finn Net from Finland, The Dutch Alliance from the Netherlands, Colleges Partnership from West Scotland, Colleges NI from Northern Ireland and HETEL from the Basque country in Spain.

Topics discussed during the first project workshops were among other things: skills mismatch, digitalisation, continous professional development of VET staff, preparing VET staff for a less classroom based future as well as collaboration for improving commercial income streams.

More information Rea Tuominen

Competence Test Assessments in Qatarian Context

Learning Assistant Education

Competence Test Assessments in Qatarian Context, June 2017

Jyväskylä Educational Consortium started to organize Further Qualification in Learning Support and Morning and Afternoon Club Activity in Doha, Qatar, in autumn 2016. Our role is to organize preparatory training and competence test assessments there.

We – Kaisa Lassila and Jyrki Veistämö two teachers visiting Doha – had a great opportunity to be a part in this process. We travelled to Doha, Qatar in June 2017 to assess Learning Assistants´ competence tests in Qatar-Finland International School (QFIS). Our trip to Doha started from Tikkakoski and the weather was quite typical of Finnish summer: +4 degrees Celsius and a little bit cloudy. When we arrived in Doha in the afternoon, the weather was sunny and the temperature was plus 38 degrees Celsius. In the airport the taxi driver said that the weather would get even warmer during the week. There was also the Ramadan season going on so all the shops and restaurants were closed during the day.


There are eleven learning assistant students studying Further Qualification in Learning Support and Morning and Afternoon Club Activity/Instruction. The students come from different cultures. They had two competence test assessments: UNIT 1 (Working in the occupation) and Unit 2 (providing support and guidance for growth and development). Learning assistants (LA) work at QFIS in different grades; in Grade 0 the students are four-five years old, in grade 1 five-six years old, in grade 2 seven-eight years old. In grade 0 the LA is present in the classroom all the time, but in the upper grades the LA is a ”floating assistant” helping students in different subjects like maths, Arabic, English etc.

Now a few words about the assessment process. All the learning assistants and also each employer representative/ assessor (class teachers) and employee representative/assessor were carefully prepared to assess both of these modules and different assessment targets and criteria. Also all the LAs had done a great job both with the actual work during the competence test days in both modules and filling in their self-assessment forms. The assessment meetings were held at school and they took about an hour per candidate. First we gave an opportunity to the candidate to go through their self-assessment and then there were excellent professional discussions on how different targets showed in the candidates’ daily work. Learning assistants were very professional and they all passed both modules.

We think that the assessment process was quite similar in both countries. Every one of us thought that the assessment meeting was a great opportunity to get valuable feedback of our work and a possibility to reflect on how we work. On behalf of our Institute we were very satisfied that the QFIS staff had done so wonderful job to guarantee that the practical arrangements were well organized. To guarantee that everything will go well in the future as well, we have to keep up discussions about the partner’s expectations of good practices concerning the competence test and the assessment.


During the week we also had an opportunity to explore Doha. The City of Doha was very clean, friendly, hot and sunny. We went to see different shopping malls and we also visited the Souq Waqif bazaar area, Pearl area, and the MIA’s (Museum of Islamic Art). After the working days we relaxed by walking in the seafronts and admiring the skyscrapers and all the amazing cars. It was something you won´t see every day in Finland.

More information Marleena Tuuri (at)