Aihearkisto: ECVET

LINK 3 – Digitalize or die

In the modern workplace, digital skills are highly valued; in the future, digital skills will be vital. The digital age is expanding into all areas of our lives, and it is not just those who work in IT that will need to be alert of this change.

Five VET-schools, partners in the LINK network,  are currently creating a project-plan about „digitalization and quality in Vocational Education and Training (VET)“, with the focus on the needs and requirements of the labour market and the education of young professionals in various fields. This project is called LINK 3.

Because „digitalization“ is such a huge task and slogan in every country around Europe at the moment, we are establishing an Erasmus+ Project under the programme structure of Key Action 2 – strategic partnerships – which allows us, to share good practice examples, develop our quality in digitalization and implement innovative education methodologies and concepts with the focus of „digitalization“.


During the last five years the core partners have worked together in the field of media design and production in two Erasmus+-Projects: LINK 1 and LINK 2 – both projects has been highly respected by the EU-Commission and the Swiss National Agency. The project results have been of high value for all the project partners (see also

The project partners are Jyväskylä College/Jyväskylä Educational Consortium, Jyväskylä-Finland, Amisto Vocational College, Porvoo-Finland, Hansenberg, Kolding-Denmark, IES Puerta Bonita, Madrid-Spain and the Vocational Education and Training School of St.Gallen, Switzerland (GBS). We are currently in discussion with two more VET schools and two VET teacher training colleges as possible project partners.


A preparatory meeting to prepare the porposal was held 19-20 January 2017 at NEXT in Copehagen. Jyväskylä Educational Consortium was represented by Hanna Rajala,  (ICT & quality) and Rea Tuominen, International Coordinator. The proposal will be submitted by the end of March 2017 by Hansenberg College in Denmark.

More information: Rea  Tuominen (at)

Photo credit: Daniel Kehl

Vision, Innovation, Teamwork, Achievement and Leadership

Kick off meeting in Newtonabbey, NI 

Enterprise is VITAL is a 3-year KA2 project coordinated by Norther Regional College from Norther Ireland. The kick off meeting was held 16-17 January 2017 at NRC Newtonabbey campus. Enterprise is VITAL is a network of colleges that have a desire to increase entrepreneurial activity. Project partners seek to increase their capacity to operate transnationally through the sharing of ideas, practices and methods. The partners are 4 colleges NRC (NI), IES La Senia (ES), AEVA (PT) and Jyväskylä College (FI) and 2 business partners APIP from Spain and Ballymena Business Centre from NI. Jyväskylä College was represented at the meeting by Niina Helin and Rea Tuominen

During the project the network will create Enterprise Clubs, train management and teachers, arrange mobility activities for learners including entrepreneurship competitions and produce a Best Practice Guide, a ’How to’ Resource Pack for VET providers.


More information: Niina Helin, Entrepreneurship Manager and Rea Tuominen, International Coordinator

Hyvin suunniteltu on puoliksi tehty


EMEU – hanke päättyi, mutta verkoston toiminta  jatkuu

Alunperin tekniikan ja käsi- ja taideteollisuusalojen opiskelijavaihtojen verkosto laajenee nyt uusille aloille. Hankkeen alun jälkeen mukaan ovat tulleet  rakennusalan ja puuatresaanien lisäksi jo pintakäsittely- ja metallialat. Uudessa EMEU4ALL -hankkeessa toimintamallia levitetään mm. palvelualoille. Jyväskylän ammattiopistosta mukana pilotoinnissa ovat sosiaali- ja terveysala sekä horaca.

Verkoston toiminnan kannalta tärkeä rooli on ollut ja tulee jatkossakin olemaan  sen verkkosivuilla Osoite pysyy muuttumattomana, mutta verkkosivuille on tulossa helmi-huhtikuun 2017 aikana useita muutoksia, jotka parantavat sen käytettävyyttä. Sivuille tulee enemmän informaatiota helpommin käytettävässä muodossa ja moduuleihin kirjautumistoiminto paranee. Samalla verkoston laatuprosesseja kehitetään ja mm. palautteista saaadun informaation käyttämistä parannetaan.


Verkkosivuista vastaava Århus Tech:in koordinaattori Louise Okon Willie, laatuprosesseista vastaava Bridgwater&Taunton College:n Jon Harding ja ECVET -prosessista vastaava koordinaattori Rea Tuominen kokoontuivat 12.-13.1.2017 valmistelemaan tulevia muutoksia. Niistä tiedotetaan erikseen sitä mukaa kun muutokset sivuille tulevat käyttöön tai viimeistään seuraavassa verkoston kokouksessa, joka pidetään toukokuussa Hyvinkäällä.


Lisätietoja Rea Tuominen p. 6159



Annual ECVET Forum




Annual ECVET Forum, 11 October 2016, Rome

The Annual ECVET Forum is the place to gather information and exchange views and experiences on how ECVET principles can help to provide people with opportunities for open, flexible and individualised pathways to develop vocational skills and to get recognition for them. The Dutch led EMEU project (Erasmus+ KA2) was selected as one of the six (6) best practices projects to be presented at the 2016 Forum in Rome. The project and EMEU network were represented at the event by Rea Tuominen, International Coordinator from Jyväskylä College.

Access for young VET students to teaching and training methods and work experiences in other countries improves their employability in a global economy. Member states have increased their efforts to create opportunities for 16-29 year-olds to gain accredited skills in cross-border mobility projects, helping them become competitive in an increasingly international job market. The European Commission and the Council have defined ambitious aims for learner mobility: by 2020, an EU average of at least 6% of 18-34 year olds with an initial vocational education and training qualification should have had an initial VET-related study or training period abroad (including work placements) lasting a minimum of two weeks. The actual numbers of students taking part in mobility projects are much lower in most countries. For instance, in the EMEU partner countries, the number of secondary VET students involved in mobility programmes at the beginning of the project was  between just 1-2 %.

The Annual ECVET Forum discussed the issues, solutions and future challenges for the ECVET priorities and the discussion continues e.g. in the ECVET Maganize:



MusicXchange in Munich 6-7 October 2016


Band practise at Neue Jazzschool, 6 Oct 2016

Jyväskylä and Kainuu Colleges joined forces a few years ago to seek high-quality possibilities for mobility for both students and staff in music education on VET level. The task was not easy. During the first year of research, the conclusion was that many European countries did not have VET level education in music and if they did, they did not have interest in mobility or European cooperation. After the education providers that were interested and seemed to have the same kind of needs had been identified, the network partners met for the first time in Slovenia in spring 2015. The meeting was hosted by Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory and the first steps to the network cooperation were taken there.

Since that first meeting the partners have come together three times: autumn 2015 (London, UK), spring 2016 (Arnhem, NL) and recently at Neue Jazzschool in Munich. Jyväskylä College was represented at the meeting by teachers Suvi Uura and Markku Rinta-Pollari and International Coordinator Rea Tuominen.

During the meeting in Munich the partners continued to work on an Erasmus+ KA2 project proposal that will be submitted in the beginning of 2017. The key themes of the project are linked to A New Skills Agenda for Europe which was published on 10 June 2016. Its focus is on equipping Europeans with the right skills in order to increase Europe’s workforce employability and to respond to changes in labour market requirements. The need for the agenda is based on the analysis that currently there is, across all sectors, a shortage of basic, digital, transversal, and entrepreneurial skills.

According to CIGN (Creative Industries Global Network, creativity is increasingly perceived as a strategic driver for economic growth and a real asset for improving competitiveness in a knowledge-based economy. The Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) are knowledge and labour intensive and foster innovation, so the sector is perceived to have a huge but largely untapped potential for generation of employment and export expansion.  Not surprisingly, the creative industry as a whole is recognized as a potential high growth sector in the EU and its member states.

As the culture sector evolves and changes, so do the skills required of individuals active in the sector. The educational and training needs created by these changes can only be met by an education sector that recognises the change in demand. With digital and mobile technologies becoming an increasingly important facet of modern life, it is necessary to ensure that the skills taught in education keep pace.

The pace of innovation, the changing nature of the CCI sector, and the importance of culture to the European economy increasingly mean that many who work in this sector are essentially entrepreneurs and also cultural entrepreneurs need both an entrepreneurial mindset and business skills, which in turn means that educational supply has to keep pace.

CCIs need support to enable them to properly represent their interests and raise their concerns, as well as to create cross-border networks and platforms to help structure and strengthen the sector. Music is inherently an international industry and a successful career in music requires an extensive network beyond local, regional and national borders.

More information: Rea Tuominen (at)