Tag Archives: Tourism Industry

Austria, we are coming!

Hello everybody,

We are Mandi, Tiia and Tanja and we study tourism for the last year. We have our last on-the-job learning and we are going to Innsbruck which is one of the biggest tourist area in Austria.  Lots of people all over the world visit there every year because of the Alps.


The city of Innsbruck, former host of the Winter Olympics in 1964 and 1976 as well as the first Youth Olympic Games in 2012 is located in the heart of the Alps.

Innsbruck is famous about its great skiing and snowboarding possibilities. Skiers and snowboarders have access to over 500 kilometers of trails in 25 surrounding village resorts connected by a free ski bus. There are eight major ski areas that provide varied terrain for all levels of skiers.


We will leave next Sunday and stay there for nine weeks. We are going to work at ski school.

Our main duties are still open but we will work with children. We will tell you more when we get there.


Best regards,

Tanja, Mandi and Tiia



Hello everyone ! :)

Hi !

My name is Nea. I am a last year tourism student at Jämsä Vocational School and I’m leaving in February to Tenerife to study abroad. In this post I will introduce to you little bit of the island of Tenerife, and also the hotel that I’m going, which is Globales Tamaimo Tropical !  So, shall we get started ?

Tenerife  is the largest  island of the seven Canary Islands, it is also the most populated island of Spain, with a land area of 2,034.38 square kilometers and  about 898,680 inhabitants, which is 43% of the total population of the Canary Islands.

About five million tourists visit Tenerife each year,  it is the most of any of the Canary Islands.  It is also one of the most important tourist destinations in Spain. Tenerife has two airports, Tenerife North Airport and Tenerife South Airport.

And then something about the hotel itself !

The Globales Tamaimo Tropical Hotel is made up of 372 comfortable apartments and is located in Puerto Santiago in Tenerife between Los Gigantes and the lovely beach known of Playa de la Arena.

At the Globales Tamaimo Tropical Hotel there is a variety of accommodation to choose from such as comfortable studio apartments, large one-bedroom apartments or two-bedroom apartments – ideal for family holidays.

Within the holiday complex there are spacious and peaceful solariums with free sun-lounger service for you to relax in or you can take a refreshing dip in one of the 5 swimming pools (2 adult, 2 kids and 1 heated). For an unforgettable holiday in the sun, entertainment is available for both adults and children from 11:00am to 11:00pm when the disco bar comes to life with with professional night shows.


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So I was making my internship in Spain school named Onspain at 16.3-10.5.2015. My school in Finland have contact in Spain so they help me to get this place. So after we had choose that I`am going there we made all those paper works. 

So in Spain I lived in host family in area named El Palo, its part of Malaga. My home was really near to this school where I worked. So in school they have many classrooms and also big back yard. There is many worker in this school, teachers , guides etc. but actually every worker is very talented because they all have at least 2 skills, like many of them are same time tourist guides and Spanish languages teachers or secretary and same time Flamenco dance teacher. So I were there just because the school offers also tourist tours for students so I was always working in those tours.  
So I started my works there and they gave me my 8 weeks timetable and get me know to school.  So I had many tours during this 8 weeks but I had also office works. Sometimes days took 3-4 hours and sometimes 11-12 hours but it normal in this job. In those tours I was listening and learning and if the head guide was needing some help I helped him/her.  In office I made marketing works so they put me write a diary what they can add on own web sites. At 2 last week they also gave me to job to make new tour for the company. So during my internship i saw many awesome places and get known many great human. Spanish people are very kind and they make you feel very welcome.
I also got 10 hour Spanish lessons at begin . Teacher was very talented and she really knows how to teach. I learned Spanish languages ´´key´´ words and its helps me really much because many Spanish people didnt spoke English.  So lessons was English to Spanish so i think that was much more better than Finland to Spanish because when I was learning by another language than my mother language I really needed to think what iam doing and learning.
So I think this trip gave me many things for future. Also my English skills become better and i learn lots of Spanish language. And I guess iam going to star learn Spanish language in my next school! This was very nice experience and I get known that I really want to work on abroad at future doing my guide works. I dont belong  in Finland especially at winter time.

So much everything !


I was working at one weekend and I was in Sevilla tour. Sevilla was very awesome place to see and learn new things. In the tour we visited on Maria Luisas park, Golden Tower, Barrio de Santa Cruz and in the Cathedral. Tour takes whole day but it was Sevillamillaworth it. In the Maria Luisas park was many water falls and ponds where was lots of ducks and swans. We also saw many couples who were takes they wedding photos in the park because there was so beautiful environment. The Cathedral was most beautiful Cathedral i had ever seen. It was big and there was so much things to see and learn and we also clime up in bell torn it was maybe 25-30m hight and the view was amazing !  At least we had some free time and I walked around the city and watch which kind of city Sevilla was  🙂 and it was very nice and architecture was beautiful. And also make lil shopping tour.

Some dancing

11156228_10205367580207095_7224886279461263902_nFlamenco lesson, so I take 1 hour flamenco lesson. The teacher was one of our normal teachers who have skills to dance. So she tell us the regular flamenco things and we practiced couple easy flamenco dance steps. The lesson was really good but i think that getting know that flamenco dance takes little more than 1 hour. And also now i think that flamenco dance its not done for me because there is lots of spinning and my head dosent like that. 

Then I was also in  salsa dancing lesson 🙂  That was lil easier than flamenco dancing and it was very fun ! 🙂 Salsa dancing is from Cuba but Spanish people like to dance it. And the teacher was again one of our normal teachers in this school.  We have very the multi-talented people working here. I didnt take any photo about it but I found one video in Youtube which is filmed in this school.



And finally i was in Malaga tour also. The tour was really nicemalaga and even i had live here already many weeks i get known new things in that tour.  At tour we visited on big cathedral on Malaga city. We also saw some Semana Santa things and the guide tell us about it. Then we make a little walk on Malaga city and last we visited on Picasso art gallery. 

Something about my freetime


So my parents came to visiting me ! 🙂 They live in hotel in area named Benalmádena its like 30km from Malaga centre but they had rented a car so moving is easy ! 🙂 At weekend i was in Gibraltar with them, we spend whole day there and it was very nice ! Gibraltar is very interesting place everyones should read about it and about history of Gibraltar. So we walked in that main street and get known about that city and then we went in tourist tour by minibus,

its cost 30€/person and on that tour we saw Hercules pilar, staligmate cave, place where monkeys lives and military cave which had made for first world war. So it was very nice place and good place to spend one day ! 🙂 millaan



So everything is better than good ! 🙂


Hola !

First I like to  say ”sorry” about that this is going to be long text because here is so much things what I like to tell ! 🙂
So at the second week I has lots of tours all around in Spain and that was so awesome ! I had seen so much incredible thing here and visit the most beautiful places. Its hard to believe that this is working 😀 After all those trips I had only one thing to say ! I really had done good choice when I choose my profession.
So next I will tell you something about those trips;
Los Naranjos tour.  So in Los Naranjos where they grow up different citrus fruits and the farmer, Juanito Orange tell us about his working days and what he needs to do on farm. We also got to taste every fruits in farm and we heard a story how them grow up.
Nerja cavee
City tour in Nerja.  There we visit in most incredible caves where was biggest stalagmite pillar its also  guinnes world record pillar. After that we went in viewpoint named ”balcony of Europe” there was amazing views over the Mediterranean sea. After that we have some free time in Nerja city and the first thing we visit in small village named Frijiliana it was in the hills and there we tasted some sweet vine.
 Nerja beach
                                                                   View at balcony of Europe
Next day i were in Ronda its one of oldest town in Spain. Ronda is known about bull fighting arena and the big bridge. So there was like two side, the new city and the old city. There we see the Puente Nuevo Bridge which is divide the old and new city. In the trip we had a city tour and the guide tell us about Ronda and we also visited in old spa where we see video which had telling about old spas. Then we visited in real bull fighting arena and there in the museum what was full of old matadors clothes and matadors weapons.Ronda bull That was amazing ! actually how many people has visited in real bull fighting arena?!  After that we have some free time for shopping, eating and looking city. Last thing we made was visiting in cave which was high in mountain, the cave is very old and there were live cave men before Christ. The cave was very dark and the guide gave us lights so we can see the all drawings on the walls what I actually had seen only unrealistic in movies.  That was so awesome that I never forget it !
 Views from Ronda
At Friday I spend day in school which help me to get this workplaicement. School was named Ave Maria and it is in town. It was nice to meet those people! The Easter week is coming (holy week, Semana Santa) and its pretty big thing in Spain, so the Ave Maria school is also going to join in the parade so they practice their procession at Friday and it was awesome ! Also teachers show the school and tell about it for us.
Easter week… (or Semana santa how local people say)
Now we have past the holy week and like they already tell me, that was incredible thing here in Spain. The city was full of people and they celebrate and play the music 7 days. I visit couple times in city but then I realize that Spanish Easter mind be to much for this country girl. But even the Semana santa was too much for me but also I enjoyed very much to see other culture because it was pretty different if you compare it to the Finnish Easter.
Easter week in working place was pretty silence and peaceful and I was working in office those days.  Then I have long Easter holiday, 6 day off. That was nice when I had lots of time to get know the city and make some shopping also, but it also good to be back on workplace and return to everyday routines.  On this weeks I had helping other people and also do marketing.
Marketing means this time that they also want me to write some blog text for them about what I do when im working and they publish it on they own websites where people can read what its going to be if you want to come do your training here. And because im lil lazy I write this one head text and edit it little and copy, paste it thats why everything in English and im sorry if there is some mistakes ! 😀
 (Those arks weight many tons and they have always like 60-80 carrier even in smaller)


At Dublin Airport

All things must come to an end, and so must our journey. We are taking the first ever direct Finnair flight from Dublin to Helsinki. In celebration of that, there are balloons decorating the gate and refreshments with special cupcakes are served to the passengers.
Hopefully we will be reunited with our luggage once we get back home. See you soon!

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

Buenos tardes !

Hmm… Eka viikko takana ja todella tyytyväisenä täällä ollaan. Minulla oli todella isot ennakkoluulot “koulussa työskentelystä” ja “perhe majoituksesta”, mutta niinkuin jo osasin aavistaa kaikki ennakkoluulot oli täysin typeriä. Elikkä siis perheessä asuminen, no on totta että asun jonkun muun talossa, mutta ei täällä mikään serranon perhe meininki ole 😀 Talo on kolmessa kerroksessa oleva iso lukaali, jossa majailee espanjaan tulevia opiskelijoita. Minun hyone on iso jossa minulla on isot vaatekaapit, oma tietokone, telkkari ja oma iso parveke.

14271944483071646747557Perheen lapset ovat jo vanhoja eivätkä asu enää kotona, joten täällä on tämä pariskunta vain. Pariskunta on todella mukava ja on ihan kivaa että tietää että joku “pitää sinusta huolta” toisin kuin jos olisit yksin jossain hotelli huoneessa asumassa. Jos kuvailisin tätä paikkana niin perjaatteessa tässä on majatalon idea, mutta hotellin hienous ja lisänä välittävät ihmiset ympärillä jolta voi kysyä neuvoa. Täydellistä? 🙂 p.s. minulle kuuluu puolihoito perheessä eli aamupala ja päivällinen, joka on ihan kiva siihen nähden että perheen isä on espanjalainen kokki joten ruoka on kyllä aivan loistavaa vaikka onkin hyvin erilaista kuin suomessa.

Perheessä siis asuu myös muita opiskelijoita ympäri maailmaa tähän asti olen tavannut jo hollantilaisia, italialaisia, korealaisen, amerikkalaisen, tanskalaisia, etelä afrikkalaisia? Ja muutama on tullut vielä lisää ketä en ole vielä tavannut, koska jokaisella on omat aikataulut ja kaikki tulee ja menee omia menoja. Suurin osa näistä opiskelijoista on tietty vaan viikon tai kaksi joka on perjaatteessa minulle hyvä koska ihmiset siis ehtivät vaihtua monesti täällä ollessani. 🙂


Sitten “koulussa työskentely” kyllähän ne lähettivät silloin listan mitä minun työnkuvaan kuuluu, mutta jotenkin se oli todella vaikeaa vaan uskoa. Ainut ajatus mikä pyöri päässä oli että “mitä matkailupalveluiden tuottaja tekee espanjan kielisessä koulussa?” Noh totuus oli vähän erilainen 😀 On totta että aamupäivällä koulussa opetetaan espanjan kieltä, mutta kun tunnit ovat loppuneet n. 2-3 aikaa paikka muuttuu kuin matkatoimistoksi. Joten perjastteessa minä olen töissä tässä kyseisessä matkatoimistossa ja minun ei tarvitse välittää koulun toiminnasta. Koulussa on myös 3 muuta harjoittelijaa, 2 hollantilaista ja 1 ranskalainen.

No sitten mennyt viikko… Ensimmäisellä viikolla olen tehnyt pääasiassa toimisto- ja paperihommia, koska minulla on ollut espanjan kielen tunteja joten on pitänyt pysyttäytyä ihan tässä lähellä. Toimistotöihini on kuulunut esim aktiviteettien “tuotekorttien” uusimista ja fiksaamista. Sen lisäksi olen mapittanut papereita jotka otetaan toureille mukaan jaettavaksi asiakkaille. Toisinsanoen olen tehnyt juurikin sitä työtä mitä olen koulussa opetellut ja mitä tulevaan ammattiini kuuluu.

millasirkeViikonloppuna olin moikkaamassa Sirkeä puolimatkassa Fuengirolassa, jossa vietimme 1 yön 🙂 Seuraavat viikot ovatkin sitten todella mukavia, kun minut on laitettu mukaan erilaisille turisti retkille ! 

Myöskään vastoinkäymisiltä ei ole vältytty, mutta kaikesta on selvitty joten ei niillä niin väliä. 🙂




Ja aurinko paistaa tietenkin ! 🙂



Málaga on satamakaupunki Etelä-Espanjassa, Andalusiassa , Costa del Solilla. Se on myös Málagan maakunnan pääkaupunki. Málagaa ympäröivät vuoret ja kaksi jokea: Guadalmedina ja Guadalhorce, jotka laskevat Välimereen kaupungin lähellä. 

Koska Málagan keskusta on lähellä satamaa kaupunkiin tuovat tuloja maatalous ja turismi. Kaupungissa on yliopisto ja kansainvälinen lentokenttä, Málagan lentoasema. Kaupunki ja Costa del Sol ovat erittäin suosittuja turistikohteita ja kaupunkiin tulee halpoja lentoja eri puolilta Eurooppaa. Jatkoyhteydet muihin Andalusian kaupunkeihin, Sevillaan, Córdobaan ja Granadaan hoituvat autolla, junalla tai linja-autolla. Kaupungissa on myös runsaasti omia nähtävyyksiä, museoita, kirkkoja ja linnoituksia.

Sen lisäksi, että Malaga on Costa Del Solin helmi ja siellä on parhaat aurinkorannat ja biletyspaikat, se on myös legendaarisen taiteilijan Pablo Picasson synnyinkaupunki.Malagassa on yli 300 aurinkoista päivää vuodessa, joten ei ole ihme, että se houkuttelee rantaelämään mieltyneitä matkaajia.

In addition to that, than Malaga are Costa Dels Solis pearl and thereof is the best beach in the sun party places, it is also a legendary artist Pablo Picasso’s native city. Malaga has more than 300 sunny days a year, so it is no wonder that it attracts beach life predilection for travelers.

PS. Malagan aurinkorannat on myös monen julkkiksen ”asuin” paikka 😉 Siellä voi törmätä mm. Jari Sillanpäähän ja Samuli Edelmaniin.

Onspain kielikoulu

Onspain kielikoulu on kielikoulu Malagassa, jossa voit oppia espanjaa eri tasoilla. Kouluille ryhmien ja yksilöiden Onspain voi tarjota paketteja  räätälöidyn opetussuunnitelman kanssa. Onspain järjestää ryhmämatkoja ympäri Andalusia kaikenlaisille ryhmille, mukaanluettuna koulut ja yritykset.

Onspain Language School is a language school in Malaga where you can learn Spanish at various levels. For schools groups and individuals Onspain can offer packages with a specially planned curriculum. Onspain can organize group trips around Andalusia for any kind of group, including schools and companies.