Tag Archives: Tourism Industry

Sunny week in Innsbruck


Six weeks behind and three weeks to go!

On Monday Tiia was in Nordkette. There was not so much to do, because customers were older kids and they allready knew how to ski. Thats why we all were rest of the week in Patcherkofel. We worked in the office and helped with little things.

We joined sledding twice during this week. There was big groups from Poland.


One morning our workmate Theresa has left those nice messages to us.


On Thursday we visited at Bergisel skijump-stadion. It was perfect weather to go there because it was so warm and sunny. We could see the whole city and mountains from top of the tower. We took packed lunch with us.




There was also pictures of finnish skijumpers. We felt so proud to be finnish!


We had a long weekend, because we had also Friday off. We didn’t do anything special… Just rested and enjoyed beautifull weather.


– Tiia, Tanja and Mandi

New roommate and the fifth week in Tenerife

Hey again!

So, I have been here now for five weeks, and three more to go!

Like the title says, I indeed got a new roommate ! She is called Celia, she is 25 years old and she comes from France. We get along really well with her, we talk about everything and she even shares her candies with me. Really good way to make me your friend is sharing your food with me 😉

The work here is pretty much the same. I am still in the mini club with the kids. This week we have had some really crazy kids in there, who basically do what they please and don’t listen to a word I say. One even jumped out of the window today. (He didn’t get hurt, Mini club is on the ground floor)

I have started to get along pretty well with my coworkers, even though they keep constantly changing. Even my dear mood changing boss Choco has been nicer to me, sharing kisses and hugs to me whenever we meet. Quite a change from looking to the other direction when I came to his direction…I’m not still complaining, gotta enjoy it while it lasts, right?

Hugs and kisses to you all as well,


Waiting for Mallorca like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


We are Pinja and Riina and we study travel industry for the third (and the last) year in Jämsä College. We will be going to Mallorca for a work placement period starting on the beginning of April. We will fly to Mallorca on the 1st of April and start working at “The GPRO Valparaiso Palace Hotel & Spa” on the 4th of April.

We will live in some kind of apartment nearby the hotel. We still don’t know exactly our duties in there, so hold your horses.


xoxo (just kidding)

Riina & Pinja

The fifth week in pictures, Innsbruck


This week we all worked on the slopes, Tiia and Tanja at Nordkette and Mandi at Patcherkofel. Job was the same as always.

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We also had a visitor from Finland this week. Tiias boyfriend Aleksi was here from Monday to Friday. We all drove around the city by bus and show places to him. We were also skiing in Patcherkofel.


On thursday we were eating in Indian restaurant. Food was very tasty but service was not so good… As soon we went in we noticed that waiter had bad day. He was very rude. The cardmachine was broken and he didn’t even apologied when we had to walk kind a long way to get cash from the atm.



Tanja had birthday on Friday and we celebrated it in a café.



On Friday Tiia and Aleksi visited Alpenzoo.  It’s one of the highest located zoos in Europe. There were lots of animals, for example bears, goats, different kind of birds and wisents.


The half of the on-the-job training is done! We are never going to get tired of these views:


With love,

Tiia, Tanja and Mandi

Halfway through!


I have already been in Tenerife for 4 weeks, and I’ve got another four to go. I am officially 50% done with my training! Although I think I have lots of paperwork to do after I come home, but you get the point.

After the struggles in the beginning, everything has started to work little better. After three weeks of working, I got my first work schedule, where I can see my day offs. I still don’t know all of the stuff around here, but I do my best to learn.

I have been working mostly in the kids club where I draw and play with the kids. In the evenings I go to the Mini disco and sometimes I dance in the disco with the kids. If I don’t dance, I assemble the medals and gather the diplomas for the days winners. After that I usually just stand around and look if anybody needs my help with something. If nobody needs me, I can leave to my room at 10 o’clock.

The weather has been kinda chilly and windy almost all the time. We have had only few sunny days since I got here. So much for the dream tan I was hoping to get…:D

I don’t think there is anything else to tell you, every day is like the previous one and like the one tomorrow.

With love,


One month behind in Innsbruck

Hallo und Grüße aus Österreich!

We have been here for one month now and we are still wondering where is our homesickness?!

During this week Tanja and Tiia were in Patcherkofel.

Tiia taught to Tanja how things are working in the office. Unfortunately peak season is going to abate gradually. Because of that this week has been kind of quiet. Luckily our boss Michael said that there are coming more customers next week.


At the beginning of the week Mandi was helping with the kids in Nordkette. However there wasn’t much to do so she started to do a task which Michael has given to us. We have to search travel agencies from Scandinavia where skischool could market itself for next season.

Here you can see one of the most popular sightseeings in Innsbruck. It’s called Goldenes Dachl (The golden roof). It’s located near by our apartment. The Goldenes Dachl was built for the memory of the second marriage of emperor Maximilian I. The reason was that Maximilian wanted to abrogate the rumors about the weak financial position. The roof is 16 meters wide and it’s made of 2657 coppertiles.

Mandis family were here for a winter holiday. Mandi and they spent time together. They were skiing, shopping, looking around the city and eating in nice restaurants.




Auf Wiedersehen,

Tiia, Mandi and Tanja

Third week in Innsbruck

Guten Tag!

Mandi and Tanja were working at Nordkette and it was a little bit different kind of week this week. There were groups from kindergardens. Kids were 3-6 years old, so it was harder to communicate with them because they speak only German.

On Monday we picked children up from the kindergarden in the morning. Mandi was staying with the group and went to the cable car by bus with them. Tanja took children’s equipment to the mountain with Michael.


Mandi and Tanja helped beginners on the slopes, helped to get up and taught to do a “pizza”.


Tiia continued working in the office at Patcherkofel. She did her first bookings by herself. There has been some busy days on the slopes, so she had to take care of the office alone. Tiia likes the job because it’s suitably challenging. Customers are mainly adults and they can speak English.

We joined the sledding safari again. Customers are mostly British and they always enjoy the sledding a lot.

Our workmates mentioned about a spa called Olympisches Dorf  in Innsbruck. We decided to go there on Saturday. It was a nice place but we were surprised of one thing. Sauna is not included in price, normal ticket costs 5,50€ but if you want to go to the sauna it costs 9,90€. It is foregone conclusion that sauna is part of spa services in Finland. There were a lot of people, especially families with kids.12789873_1271339996216116_328978237_o


Today, on Sunday, Tiia and Tanja went to the city to see sightseens during Mandi was skiing. Tiia and Tanja visited in churches, park and mountain walking route. We still can’t believe how much possibilities to do and see here are in Innsbruck. 12782014_1016713275041002_165251432_n



Spring is on the way and here in the city it’s very warm weather. And the first flowers are already appeared.


We really enjoy our time here!

– Mandi, Tanja and Tiia

What’s going on in Innsbruck?


Our second week in Innsbruck is in the end. This week went fast and we got in touch with work. Things are getting clear little by little.


During this week, Tanja has been in Nordkette and Tiia and Mandi have been in Patcherkofel.

In Nordkette, there was a big school-group from local school. Tanja helped skischool instructors with the beginners. On thursday she was doing also officeworks.

In Patcherkofel, Mandi worked with the group of the beginners on the slopes. Tiia worked this week in the office and started to learn how to book skilessons etc.


Every Wednesday night skischool offers possibility to go moonlight sledding safari. Its for adults and older kids. Safari is in Kühtai mountain which is an hour away from city of Innsbruck. Safaris price (25€/15€) includes transfer, rental of toboggan, hot drink at the mountain hut and guide service.

This week we took part of it. It was great experience and all the customers enjoyed it.12769526_1022163401159023_1703398190_n


Tällä viikolla meille tuli selväksi, että Itävallassa on todella tiukka lainsäädäntö koskien työelämää. Työskentelymme hiihtokoulussa oltiin pantu merkille ja epäilykset laittomasta työskentelystä olivat heränneet sosiaalivirastossa. Sekä hiihtokoulun johtajat ja me jouduimme epämiellyttävään tilanteeseen tiistaina. Meidät kutsuttiin virastolle kuultavaksi. Viranomaiset halusivat tietää täällä olomme todellisen syyn ja varmistaa, että kyse on koulutukseemme kuuluvasta työssäoppimis-jaksosta, eikä virallisesta työsuhteesta. Palkaton työharjoittelu on Itävallassa täysin vieras käsite ja siksi asia herätti täällä kummastusta. Asiat ovat onneksemme nyt kuitenkin kunnossa ja saamme jatkaa harjoitteluamme täällä kuten ennenkin.


Päivät täällä kuluvat nopeasti ja kaupunki alkaa olemaan pikkuhiljaa tuttu. Joka päivä oppii kuitenkin jotain uutta, niin työssä, kuin vapaa-ajallakin.

Parhain terveisin,

Tiia, Mandi ja Tanja

Warm hello from Tenerife!

Hello everyone!

I have now stayed in Tenerife for 7 days. I arrived on Tuesday afternoon.

I started working on Wednesday with the Animación team at the pool. We play different games with people of all ages. We also do “water gym” and other activities.

On Thursday morning I went to the other side of the island with Eva to get my NIE-number. We went to the police station around 8 am and waited in a line for an hour. Once we got inside I got a time for my appointment, and it was at 11.30… So me and my coworker went to get some coffee and went to the bank to pay my NIE.

This far everything has been nice and the weather has been great 🙂




Greetings from Innsbruck!


We have been here for six days and here are some first feelings.12714200_1007933549252308_1375522121_n12736133_1007933519252311_2047283578_n

We arrived at Innsbruck on Sunday evening and our boss Michael picked us up from the airport. He kindly welcomed us and took us to our apartment.

Our apartment is located in the Old town. We live in the old house, on the fourth floor. We absolutely love to live here because all services are behind the corner. The owner of the apartment is very nice young woman. She has told us everything about Innsbruck and Austria.  And if we have any questions or we need something is always very easy to contact her.



There are three places where we are working: mountains Patscherkofel and Nordkette and the small office in the city.

Michael picked us up on Monday morning and we went to the mountain, Patscherkofel. There is a ski school where we are working. We met our workmates there and looked around the area. There were a lot of kids at the ski school this week and everybody were so busy to tell us advices. That’s why we are still a little bit lost what to do.


During this week we have worked lot of with the kids. We have taught basic skiing skills to them and helped them with the lift. We have also done paperworks in the office. Here you can see our working clothes:



Kokonaisuudessaan meillä on hyvät fiilikset täällä olosta. Työ vaikuttaa kivalta ja meidät on otettu todella hyvin vastaan. Meitä pyydettiin myös tiistaina mukaan juhlimaan Itävaltalaisia karnevaaleja. Niitä juhlitaan aina viisi viikkoa ennen pääsiäistä ja silloin ihmiset pukeutuvat naamiasasuihin ja lähtevät kaupungille juhlimaan. Hiihtokoulussa pukeuduttiin tänävuonna Minions-asuihin. On todella ihanaa huomata, että työkaverimme haluavat tutustua meihin ja viettää aikaa yhdessä myöskin vapaa-ajalla.



Odotamme kovasti, että pääsemme työhön vielä paremmin sisään.

Saa nähdä mitä tulevat viikot tuovat tullessaan!

Parhain terveisin,

Tiia, Mandi ja Tanja