Elina’s Final Report

Weather was most of the time like this, sunshine and a little wind, just perfect!I was waiting for it a looong time. We were supposed to go already in autumn 2014 but it was too late to start all that paper work so we decided with Johanna that we want to go on spring there. It was good decision because there wasn’t so hot as I think at the autumn would’ve been. It was warm yes. It was just right tempature. There was raining about two times in 2 months! I’m jealous!

So when we did get there they welcomed us warmly! We were both ill, snig fly and my voice was so down it sounded like males voice 😀 that was pretty awkward!! After finally we get to our apartment, after visiting Spar(-market) we went to sleep and slept over 17 hours straight ;D Our work was supposed to start 12.6 so we had almost week like a vacation.

I started my first workday alone at 9… It was scary but somehow I was part of group already when Johanna came to work at 13.. They were so nice and kind for us and they were excellent teachers! So patient..

What I did there:

  • Customer service,when client came to reseption I asked can I help, if i could help, I did what I could and if not I asked to wait a moment and asked for somebody else to help the client.
  • Room keycards didnt always worked so I needed to proces them again. I did that many times at the day. I explained to client whats wrong with it.
  • I made the carton papers which included; name, arrival and departure dates, wifi-code, paper where was everything about the restaurant timetables and cleaning services, snack bars times and everything about the hotel.
  • Sometimes the lady from the Spa called to reception that they need someone to look after the Spa reception when she goes to eat. So me or Jossu went to there to sit like half an hour or one hour. There wasnt customers much, only couple times someone came out of the gym and I needed to take 2 euros and one time a lady wanted to do a massage order.

Our day off’s were only bad thing in there. We both had not much day offs at the same times .. But I  understand that because of course they need one of us there when other is off. When I had day off, I liked to go to the beach and shopping and sometimes I relaxed in a bar and talking with my friends in whatsapp if there was a wifi.  I liked to eat out. There was such a good foods and so cheap!! I was shocked when I was back in finland and went so s market and couple things was something like 11€ I was like I could buy so many else things there in this price… But i got to used to this even its hard 😀

Next to the Mogan Valle was hotel named Mogan Playa. There was a nice girl as a trainee, about my age. Her name is Elena and she is from Germany. We got to know each others because she lived at the apartment near by us and she was always in the same bus-stop. She speak very good spanish and she wanted to help us with the police station because polices doesnt speak english in there. At least that much that we could got our NIE numbers. (By the way, we got our NIEs last week there ;D But we also got money last day because they had some problems with that. I dont know but it doesnt matter anymore.

Ellu kuva 1 Ellu kuva 2Weather was most of the time like this, sunshine and a little wind, just perfect! At night the weather was colder but the view was fantastic!

What I think I learned in Gran Canaria:

  • Definitely more english. I learned that it doesnt matter if I cant say/spell it perfectly like people who speak it as mother language. People do understand me.
  • I learned how to talk to strangers, you dont need to know the people who you talking to. (I went to talk to strangers in finland and I was surprised that they didnt act like I expected…wow)
  • Everything is not so serious, you can relax and just be, no need to do something all the time. I can go to sleep later and still be good mood in the morning (ok i dont know if its working in here….)
  • No need to rush everywhere. If the bus is coming in five minutes, its ok to stay and wait the next one. (except if your going to work)
  • I learned that whatever I am gonna work, I will not be a receptionist. Theres nothing bad to say about that job, but I just feel inside that it is not my job. Theres something what doesnt work for me.
  • I learned a littlepit spanish. Example: Hola! Que tal? Muy bien, tú? Gracias! De nada! Lo siento, no habla español. Puedo ir a comer? Sí, No… I think I did good job there. Of course I have to do always better and better but when we know that this was my first time job where my collegas does not speak same language, and I am far away from home etc., I really did what I could. I just need to do and do and do more and more that  I give 100% of myself f work.

It was heartbreaking to leave that place but I have a plan to go back to Spain, I just dont know exactly where! 😉

– Elina

Johanna’s Final Report

We started our little trip on 2nd of March. We spent a week in Helsinki at our friends place. At 6th was our flight. Our flight was from Helsinki to London, and from London to Las Palmas. When we arrived in Las Palmas, we took a bus, first to the Playa de Cura and from there to Puerto de Mogan. Actually i was kinda suprised about the cheap prices of buses. I think it was about 6 or 7 euros or something. After we arrived to Puerto de Mogan we went straight to the our hotel. There we met our colleague Fernando who told us how we get to our place. It was kinda complicated, because they didn’t have the correct adress. But finally they called us a taxi and we finally got there. So, that was our first night in Gran Canaria.

On our second day, we slept very late. Then we went to look around our new hometown. Actually our biggest problem on first week was to find a bus stop. On our last week we were wondering that how was it so hard to find in a small village like Mogan. But in few days everything realy went okay. We had a one week holiday before we started to work. That week went really fast! Mostly at the beach and just wondering around.

My first day at work was from 1pm to 9pm and it went really fast. I don’t remember much about it, but they really didn’t let us do anything on our first day so it was mostly just watching what they were doing. On our first week we learned to make keycards, check ins and check outs. And we also learned some spanish words too. Sometimes working there was really stressy. Atleast when there was only spanish guests, but i think it was a good way to learn to handle stress. Mostly there was guests from German, Norway and England.

I really liked our colleagues. There was Irene from Norway, Simona, Heike, Marina, Linda, Fernando, Silva and Octavio. They were really nice and friendly. And also patient. Of course they helped us in everything we needed, but they also wanted to make us feel comfortable and that we are welcome there.  I also made one check-in al by myself and i think it was really scary because there is so much what we need to know and remember but it went quite ok.

This is the picture of our flight to London.

Jossu kuva 1


There was some “not so nice things” in our hotel too. For example there was two hotel manager, Marina and Heike. And there was some problems with the communication. One day i asked Marina that can i leave litte earlier because there was nothing to do. And i also told her that i can come some other day when there is more arrivals. She told me that i have to come on saturday. On saturday when i went to the hotel, Heike said that i don’t have to work and that i should go to the beach or something. Next day Marina asked me why i didn’t come to work on saturday so i told her that Heike said i don’t have to. And i think she got little upset about it.

But other than that everything went quite okay and we started to open up and even relax a little bit. On our last week at work, Silva told me that we shoud try to talk only spanish. It was really scary but fun.

Our job at the hotel was basically help others. We did the keycards, check ins, check-outs and helped them with the drinks and stuff like that. There was never a boring day and everyday was different and we learned something new.

Jossu kuva 2


 I think i did pretty good, but there is still lot more to learn. Are colleagues told me that im very good with customers because im social and very open person. And i also think that the customers liked me too because of that.

I also wanted to make customers feel themselfes comfortable so i tried to talk with them as much as possible. For example i asked them that “how’s your day been?”. But im also really impatient sometimes. When something doesn’t happen right now, i get frustrated and lost my nerve. But what comes to professional ethics, everything went okay. I followed the rules fine and they never had to tell me that i have done something wrong.

But there is pretty much everything that i can tell you. I hope that this report is okay to you. I don’t know if there’s enough text.

Johanna Lahtinen

Internship in Belgium – Final Report

I was on internship in Belgium Lommel 1.1.2015-28.2.2015. I worked in firm called Sec-Construction. They build motor homes and racing service trailers for racing teams. I was working with KTM new team truck. I drove there on my own car first to Turku. Then I went on ferry to Sweden. I drove through Sweden, Germany and Holland. I drove nearly 2000km by car alone and that was quite boring. In Belgium I stayed with Kimi Räikkönen´s team mechanic called Petteri. He was quite often away, so I was frequently alone in his house. Petteri spoke Finnish so it was easy to communicate and he helped and advised me. At work I was on weekdays and worked from 8am to 5pm on 9 hours shifts.

During my stay they were building KTM factory truck and most time I worked with it. My main job was to make floor to it. It was quite easy job, but it was a lot of time-consuming. That was actually my main work there but I also did some little things between it. Floor was made from aluminium plates. I cut of them first to size. Then plates were right size, I fitted them in truck and fixed in place. As after every work you need to clean up place and put all tools back on them place. I learned how to work on factory. It’s actually quite easy because every time you get exact and clear instructions. I also did many little things that my boss told me to do like putting some air on tires and vacuum indoors.

During my journey I developed my spontaneity and my English quite a lot. Then you live on your own, you need to plan your day what you need to do and then. I also practiced my orderliness. I need to develop my English more and because there was some new implements and all instructions were on English. Most of implements I understood how to use them but I also needed to ask some help because I wasn’t sure if I understood right.

Two months of being abroad encouraged my English quite a lot because you can`t speak Finnish there. In Belgium many can speak English quite well. I spoke English in shops, outdoors and work. At the first days speaking English feels weird but in a few days you get used to it and feels ordinary. At work owner of firm was Finnish so I also could speak Finnish with him. It helped in situations when you don`t understand something or don’t know how to say it on English. I also met his son and he was Finnish too. In spare time I hanged with him and we spoke Finnish to each other. He showed me some places around Belgium.

Due to Belgium language I learned to understand some Belgium but two months wasn’t enough to learn how to speak it. My English practiced well and I learned many new words due to trucks, engines and working slang.

I also had my motocross bike with me so I was able to train on my free time. In Belgium there is a lot nice motocross tracks. Motocross is very popular and there are many famous motocross riders.
Unfortunately weather during my stay wasn’t so good so I couldn’t train as much as I planned. I also planned to ride one local competition what was cancelled during bad weather.

Overall the trip was quite fun and instructive. I met many new people and my English progressed quite well.

Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry part 5

Howdy! We started this week by getting to know different lumber types and measurements and already on the next day we got back onto the forest to thinning it on harvester. There the whole week went by like flying! At first we had some little challenges, but after some practicing things started to work out and the aftermath was appealing to not only ours, but to the teachers eyes too! We still have one week to go and after that, we’ll be coming back to home!


timberjack 1070


So it’s time to tell u about this week here in Menorca.

This week has been kinda same as last week but few things i would like to tell you.

I have been cutting fruits and vegetables as last week but i’m now more own initiative. This week was normal but one day was special because we had one extra buffet for 450 people. We did special salads and very beautiful decorations. Now i also have pictures!

So here is some photos about the extra buffet:IMG_2814 IMG_2819 IMG_2820IMG_2821IMG_2827


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That was really busy day because i had to keep the other 3 buffet up.

About my day offs: I went to Cietadella for shopping and walking. I went to Cietadella’s cathedral. It was so beautiful out- and inside.

IMG_2737 IMG_2738 IMG_2736


Only internet i have in the hotel is free 30 min wifi so it’s really hard to write a blog or talk with friends sometimes. But there is one bar with free internet just 2 min walk from the hotel. The owner is so funny and kind. He has been saving my days when i needed to use internet 🙂IMG_2792 IMG_2797

Now in Vadsø!!


Time is running so fast that I don’t have a time even write a blog! I’m sorry that I have forget to write here allso what i have done here in Norway.

Okay where to start….

I was two weeks in Ostføld to visiting 4H. I had a wonderfull time! Most of the time I was at the office and visiting other 4H clubs. When  I was visiting at the clubs I notice how different is 4H in Norway! 😀 I don’t know how to explane the differnces but there is quite many of them. You can visit to my other blog and read there the differences because it’s hard to write it to english, I’m sorry for that! :/

I see allmost hole Ostføld because I had so nice hostfamily who take me every where even to Sweden!! 😀 In Ostføld you can’t see mountains but you see cute wooden houses and lot of country side! 🙂

Bodø was very different place than Ostføld! If you watch at the map you can see that Bodø is more north maybe middle of Norway. There was MOUNTAINS!!! BIG HUGE MOUNTAINS! I was in heaven! <3

4H work in Bodø was more focus on city farms. 4H city farms is place where is different kinds of farm animals like pigs,hens, sheep etc. In Bodø city farm there was allso bakery and they make very good bread. I stay at hostfamilies and one of the hostfamily was leader of 4h Bodø. They take very good care of me! <3

The first weekend I was sleeping out side because of the event Under øpna himmel. We stay at the beach and at the beach you can see the Lofoten islands! And of course beautiful sunset 🙂 But I didn’t  sleep well because it was so freezing cold!

In Bodø I see little bit office work but most of the time I was in meetings, visiting at clubs and helpinf at the 4H farm 🙂


Very different nature than Bodø. Here is more tuntureita than mountains. Here is not many trees. Maanday I arrive to Kirkenes and then me and Mailiz went to Palsvik. In Palsvik has a 4H farm and we help couple days at farm. Doing farm work. Now I’m in Vadsø at the 4H office. I’m sorry that I don’t have any pictures here but I write this text at the office computer and all of the pictures are in my own computer 🙁 I promise I will send here pictures later! Only pictures! 😀

Hade! Hade bra!


Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry part 4

So, it is time to tell to you, what we have done on this week.

This week was pretty much same than last week. On Monday we went to cut some big trees which was too big to harvester. Tuesday – Friday we went to forest and we thin out with chainsaws. It was rainy week over here so we didnt went to outside at all. Hopely the weekend will be more sunny! Two weeks left and we are going to drive some machines, not sure. This is pretty hard to write about this week becuase we didnt do anything interesting.

Here is some pictures what I took from Monday, Enjoy. -Olli

20150504_130143[1] A big pine has fallen.

20150504_122035[1]The stump of pine

20150424_075140[1] Area of the school.


Language course in Oxford 18.-25.4.2015

Saturday 18th of April

I flew from Tampere to London Stansted. My flight was 5,5 hours late. There was some problems on the airplane.


Due to the delay of the flight my connections went wrong. I had ordered and paid a bus ticket to Oxford and one night in a B&B place in Oxford. I was able to change my ticket  but I couldn’t go to the original hostel to sleep, because it was too late and the place had closed. I decided to leave for London at night.  A name of the place was B&B Jubilee. It is situated near Wictoria Coach Station. I went in to Jubilee little bit after midnight. Now they only had one double room left. I took it and slept “widely”.


Sunday 19th of April

After breakfast I took a bus to Oxford. A bus company was National Express.  The coach was new and fine. There was a free Wifi in the coach!

I was in Oxford about at 11 o’clock a.m. I walked around  Oxford for 6 hours. I went to snack bars and looked at different sights. I visited one sightseeing tower and  Bodleian Library. The library has been open since the Middle Ages. I attended  a guided tour in the library too. I could see from the other participants’ faces  that it was a very interesting tour. But I didn’t understand anything. 🙂


In the evening I took a train to Charbury. My host family (Claudia and Mel)  picked me up from the railway station. Our destination was a little village, Finstock.

I lived at the place of my host family,  Mel and Claudia. They were a retired couple. Mel was 70 years and he was my teacher.


From Monday 20th to Friday  24th of April

Every day I had a same kind of timetable:

  • 6:00 am: wake up, study and a morning walk
  • 8:30 am: breakfast
  • 9:00 am: English lessons 3,5 hours, one break
  • 1:00 pm: lunch
  • 2:00 pm English lessons 1,5 hours
  • 4:00 pm: freetime and study
  • 8:00 pm: supper


We ate and spent a lot of freetime together. We walked around village and we visited in few villages and towns near their place. I met their neighbours and I got to practise my conversation skills.


Saturday 25th of April

I woke up 3 o’clock and travelled by coach to Stansted Airport via London.  Now my trip went without problems. I arrived to Finland at 4:00 pm. I was tired but happy. Overall, the trip went very well. I really liked it. I got more motivation for my English studies. And now I know, that I cope alone abroad – if I have money!

IMG_9310IMG_9312 (Our speed is 728 km/h on Jurttipellontie.)

Greetings from sunny Menorca.

Hello there. The First week here in Menorca, Spain. I arrived at the hotel Almirante Farragut last Sunday and the staff took me very well received. They showed me my room and i got rest of the day free so i checked the area little bit.

Monday morning i went to the kitchen and chef named David gave me my kitchen clothes and some other advises. The first days i have been helping with the salads. I’ve done many kind of salads, but mostly vegetable and fruit cutting for the buffet.

After work i have been mostly walked and circlet the area, beaches and shops.

Wednesday morning I went to police station to get my NIE number, but I need to complete an application that I can get it.

Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry part 3

Well hello there. Our adventure is on half way and this week was kinda boring and we doesnt have any new pictures because the landscape wont change at all because this is so small village. Anyway I will tell now what we have done on this week so enjoy!

On Monday we met another teacher who speak Finnish very well and he is also a lumberjack. He will keep care us on next week also. We got chainsaws and we “cleaned” the sport field by cutting some bad looking trees etc. Tuesday we went forest and the weather was so bad. Raining heavily and when we went back to school, our clothes was so wet. Wednesday and Thursday we both were sick by Tuesday and Friday was a holiday (workman day)

So that was our week and I think next week will be same. Anyway I will show some pictures of this trip. -Olli

Luua 020 Going to forest.

Luua 036Olli trying to do tower from logs

Luua 079Konsta trying to do tower from logs

Luua 098We also went a local natural park in first week.