Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry part 3

Well hello there. Our adventure is on half way and this week was kinda boring and we doesnt have any new pictures because the landscape wont change at all because this is so small village. Anyway I will tell now what we have done on this week so enjoy!

On Monday we met another teacher who speak Finnish very well and he is also a lumberjack. He will keep care us on next week also. We got chainsaws and we “cleaned” the sport field by cutting some bad looking trees etc. Tuesday we went forest and the weather was so bad. Raining heavily and when we went back to school, our clothes was so wet. Wednesday and Thursday we both were sick by Tuesday and Friday was a holiday (workman day)

So that was our week and I think next week will be same. Anyway I will show some pictures of this trip. -Olli

Luua 020 Going to forest.

Luua 036Olli trying to do tower from logs

Luua 079Konsta trying to do tower from logs

Luua 098We also went a local natural park in first week.


One thought on “Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry part 3

  1. Uneventful or whatever,I like reading your posts anyway, so keep up the good work!

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