Tag Archives: Tourism Industry

Vale, vale, vale

Dime, dime, dime!

This week Riina did a morning shift at housekeeping. Every morning she made a cleaning list of the rooms and helped to fill cleaning products in the storage. She checked the rooms with the mistress if they are ready for the customers. And she got to actually clean a toilet one day!!! Progress!! In the housekeeping only one person speaks English (a little) but luckily Riina had her own translator Lisa. She is a Chinese trainee from university and she is an exchange student. Riina has liked the people there and learned some new Spanish words. 🙂

This is the cleaning list. Meanings of the colors: green means free and clean, long orange are dirty from yesterday, short orange dirty from the check outs today, blue is a upcoming customer today and white ones are occupied.
This is the cleaning list. Meanings of the colors: green means free and clean, long orange are dirty from yesterday, short orange dirty from the check outs today, blue is a upcoming customer today and white ones are occupied.
These are majorcan sweets from one of the cleaning ladies.
These are majorcan sweets from one of the cleaning ladies.

Pinja was in a different department, she was in food & beverage doing an evening shift. She worked mainly in the other restaurant cleaning the dishes, serving food and drinks and doing other unpleasant things. In other words she hates it and is happy to go to housekeeping next week  to learn Spanish (as Riina is going to “Bistro”, good luck mate). The only things that made Pinja somewhat happy were the workers in Bistro and the big 92pax group of Finnish people that arrived on Thursday.

This is a diagram of the bosses in Valparaiso.
This is a diagram of the bosses in Valparaiso.


looking forward to working on Sunday,

Riina & Pinja

Final report from Innsbruck


Now we have been in Finland for three weeks and thought to write some feelings about the on-the-job learning.

Before we left we didn’t have a lot of information about anything. We knew only that we were going to work with kids but that’s all. We were nervous what those nine weeks are going to be.  We were also wondering what kind of accommodation we have.

13153479_1057870184258644_956814935_n (1)

Little by little things started to get clear and the accommodation was perfect too. We got to know workmates and we already miss them a lot! Also our job became familiar.



The city of Innsbruck was interesting and definitely started to feel like home rapidly.



Even though we had some adversities, we survived about everything. All together everything went well and it was an amazing experience! We are super happy that we got this opportunity to leave abroad. We got a lot of new experiences and improved our language skills.



We recommend to everybody to go abroad. You will get much wider view about world and about your career.

With huge love,

Tanja, Mandi & Tiia

Enter title here (onx pakko jos ei taho)


This was our second week in the repection. Pinja was on the morning shift and Riina was on the evening shift. We have been doing pretty much the same things as in the first week. The only different thing is that we have a Finnish couple as customers. And on the next week we will have a 92 pax group coming from Finland. Sadly (yeah right) we will not be in the reception.

Tomorrow is our last day in that department and on Monday the fate has been cruel and put us in different departments. Riina will be working in the housekeeping (in which they do not speak English, good luck Charlie and have fun studying Spanish) and Pinja in the food & beverage. So, most likely the only day we will be able to see each other on the next week will be Wednesday, thanks to different departments and shifts.

So we had Friday and Saturday free, and we decided to use Friday as a day to explore  the secrets of Porto Pi, a big shopping center.

On the left side is a list of rooms. The yellow ones are clean and free. The other one is a check list that the workers must do during their shifts.
On the left side is a list of rooms. The yellow ones are clean and free. The other one is a check list that the workers must do during their shifts.


nothing funny to say ,

Piña & Rina

workworkworkworkwork vol 2


As many busy days this week as there are ‘work’ words in the headline. So no pictures, sorry not sorry.

We have been working in the reception from Monday to Friday. Riina has been doing the morning shift (8-16) and Pinja the evening shift (14-22). Because of the ah so lovely bus travel to work, Riina had to wake up at 6am every morning and Pinja was home after 11pm every night. Zzzz…

The only things we have been mostly doing are fileing the reservations (which is a pain in the booty since the files are _VERY_ full) and adding the customer information to the reservation system. And on the quiet days the lovely staff (we really, really like them) has been teaching us about working in the reception.

This weekend we have been chilling and enjoying the sun. Nothing special. We really don’t have the energy to do anything special (not after having a group of 245 British people filling up the hotel on Friday).


considering the change of our ringtones to Enrique Iglesias’s song to blend in,

Pinja & Riina

Cockroaches and treatments

7 days at the spa are over and at least the same amount of cockroaches met their death by Riina’s hands. May they rest in peace in the spa’s trash bin.

Working has been same old, same old. On Thursday the boss helped us to do peeling treatments to each other (which was hella awkward but the skin felt so smooth afterwards). On Friday Riina got to be in thongs again in front of five people when they were practising the sellulite treatment (no reason to do that for her tho) on her. Feet felt much lighter after that so it was worth it.

On Saturday we went to the citysightseeing tour on bus (we got free tickets from our workmate from spa ♥ (AND FREE HEADPHONES!!!)). It was a nice change to our bus trips to the hotel. We actually got to sit down. In upstairs feeling the wind and the sun 🙂 We saw a lot of nice places like the castle.

And today we went to Palma Aquarium. It was a really fancy place with sea cucumbers and fish. Lots of fish. We got a discount there since the spa boss gave it to us ♥ gotta love ’em.


A walk on the beach when the sun sets is quite a sight to see
A walk on the beach when the sun sets is quite a sight to see
The castle something
The castle something
Hui hai
Hui hai
Seahorses ♥
Seahorses ♥


still wondering how we haven’t got lost yet,

Pinja & Riina

Teacher in Innsbruck


In the end of the March, I travelled to the capital of the Alps, Innsbruck, to meet my three turism students. The girls were there on their job-learning period. The girls´ two working places were up on the mountains; one in Nordkette and the other in Patscherkofel. The company, where the girls were working, is called Ski and Snowboard school Innsbruck.


The girls´  assignment were to help the kids in the ski school and make the bookings in the office.  The training subjects were guiding and marketing  in tourism business. I met the girls´boss Michael, and we had the evaluating discussion. It was great to talk face to face about the Finnish evaluating systems compared to Austrians´. The girls had made an excellent job througt the hole job learning period, which lasted nine weeks.

Innsbruck is an amazing city with the marvellous scenery. Where ever You look, You see the mountains. The city is ideal for students to live: it´s safe, small enough, not so expensive, there are lots of tourists and the best slopes in the Europe. The girls´apartment was nice and cozy, located in the heart of the city, in the old town. 20160329_190100[1]

If You´re dreaming to live on abroad for a while, Jämsä College offers a great opportunity to get some international experience, which is a huge benefit in the future, when You are searching for the job!

Turism teacher, Jaana



Buenas tardes,

We began working at the hotel on this Monday. Traveling by bus is freaking awful, and we finally realized properly how it works on THURSDAY. And tomorrow the shift is changing, so damn.

On Monday we got shown around the hotel and got our time schedules for work. We will be the first two weeks together.

Rip quality. This is the view from one of the biggest (and most expensive) suites.
Rip quality. This is the view from one of the biggest (and most expensive) suites. The terace is so big that you could celebrate weddings in there.

This week we were supposed to be working as manager assistants, but we got moved into the spa on Thursday since there wasn’t anything to do. The spa hasn’t got anything to do either, so, yeah. Hopefully next week will be better (we are in the spa that week too). We have been collecting dirty laundry and lighting candles, yay. We also got to do some product placement (meaning that we only moved products from one shelf to another).


On Saturday we took the bus to the center of Palma and went to see the cathedral. It was closed tho. So instead we went to the Royal Palace museum next to it. And today, Sunday, we went to the beach SWIMMING!! We were the only ones swimming though, so the local people probs thought we were crazy. It was really fun and the water was almost as salty as the bottled water. 🙂

The cathedral was beautiful on the outside (sniff).
The cathedral was beautiful on the outside (sniff).



counting the working hours,Pinja & Riina

Guests, mämmi and happy life in Innsbruck


It has been two weeks since we have written last time. We decided not to write last week, because we didn’t have anything special to tell. This is a compilation about last two weeks.

Two weeks ago, on Sunday Mandis boyfriend Tommi came here for a visit. They were shopping, skiing and snowboarding and looking around the city.


It was kind a quiet week at work because of the Easter. There were only couple kids at group lessons. On Friday Tiia and Tanja were taking care of the Nordkettes little office because the real office worker wasn’t there.


We got traditional finnish presents from Tommi and mämmi was one of them. There is no Easter without mämmi!


Patcherkofel closed last Monday. This mountain is located so low that snow is melting earlier than other places. We still had work at there because we were preparing things for the summer. Our boss has a summer company which is operating biking tours.



On Tuesday our lovely teacher Jaana came here. We were waiting for her at the airport with cool sign.


Jaana stayed here for three nights. We showed the city for her, ate at nice restaurant, and visited at Nordkette and Patcherkofel with Michael.




We had a long weekend and we just enjoyed life. On Sunday Mandi was skiing at Stubaier Gletscher. It was an awesome place!



After one week we are already in Finland. Now we must enjoy about beautiful weather and everything else!

With love,

Tiia, Mandi and Tanja

100 meters to the beach, u jelly?


Second day in Mallorca, whipii. We are staying with some families whose mothers are sisters. Riina lives on the first floor apartment and Pinja lives on the second floor. The families seem very nice and we have our own rooms (and bathrooms). The other one (Coloma) picked us up from the airport and they welcomed us with a nice traditional Spanish (Mallorcish????) food (which was really good!!).

Our work place is located 10 kilometers from here and we will most likely travel there by bus, which is scaring the poop out of us. (insert _the_ poop emoji here)

We received our first cheek kissy things yesterday when we gave our presents to Coloma. Yayyy!????

Now we are writing this with an excellent wifi (thank you Ana) while our hosts /slash/ landladies are having fun ;);)

Enjoy some pictures and get jealous.

Thank you Airberlin for safe flights (sorry, your airport sucks)
Coloma's dog, Lucky (??), our tobacco friend.
Coloma’s dog, Lucky (??), our tobacco friend.
u jelly
u jelly
Riina's masterpiece
Riina’s masterpiece
Lovely treats in our rooms :')
Lovely treats in our rooms :’)

the kind of salty bottle water drinking gurlz, Riina et Pinja

Last week about to start!


I am so happy to be able to say that my days are ending in Tenerife! Only ten more days and I can once again walk on the sweet (and ice cold) grounds of Finland.

I have been a little bit ill this week, I had fever and lost my voice. Or atleast I think I had fever, I couldn’t be sure because nobody in here owns a thermometer. I wasn’t working on Monday night or Tuesday. Now I’m slowly starting to feel better and I’m getting my voice back.

Tomorrow when I go back to work, I wont be going to the Miniclub anymore. I sort of got kicked out of there because one girl run away from the club to the pool without me. Her dad got angry to us and you can only imagine how proud Choco was of me. I had 6 children in the Club at the time, and I just simply couldn’t handle all of them, especially when the children tend not to listen to a word I say.

Anyway, my last week will be at the pool area with the other Animación team members. Which by the way includes two finnish girls ! They are called Miia and Juulia, and they’re from Vaasa. They are staying here for seven weeks.

I think this is all for now. I might still write one post from here before I go home.

Until that,
