Our first day in Spain!!

So…our buss left from Jyväskylä to Helsinki at 2:00 am. We were VERY tired, but at the same time very excited 😛

When we arrived at the airport I was a little bit nervous, because it was going to be my first time flying :O Aino was little bit nervous too, but fortunately she has flyed before, so we were’nt so lost at the airport 😛

But when our plane was in the air, I relaxed. It was SO cool and beautiful <3 We loved every second.

4 hours later we arrived at Palma’s airport. We already love this city. It’s so warm and beautiful in here <3 (When at the same time in Finland is snowing hahahah) People are so nice and friendly 🙂 I think we will stay in here forever 😛

But now we are going to sleep 🙂 Good night everyone <3 It was a very nice day today!


Our first week in Jyväskylä

by Spanish students of Agrària IES Felenitx in Mallorca. See also their school blog.

First of all, we want to introduce ourselves, we are three students from Mallorca (Spain) that we have come to Jyväskylä for an Erasmus+ program. We study different professional training in Mallorca and we have come to Jyväskylä  in order to do our job training for one month. Two of us study gardening and the other one study bakery.

In this first blog, we will explain the first week of the gardening students:

On our first day, Jari Järvenranta came to pick up us in our residence, and then we went to AO and we met Susanna Leinonen (our tutor). During this month we will do the garden maintenance of different AO campus.

The second day, we went to visit Jämsä college. We think that college has a really good installation. We met there another student from Mallorca that he is doing his practical training about physical activities.

The third day, we started our practice in Jyväskylä. We did nice arrangements.

The fourth day, we went to a green house in Muurame “ Ritun Puutarha”. We spend a really good time and we hope to come back there.

The fifth day, we did diverse garden maintenance in Viitamieni campus.

We spend a really good week!



Where have all the days gone?

Four weeks have gone by so fast! After today, we have only 13 days left in Malta. A week ago on Sunday we went to Mdina to see ”The Medieval Mdina Festival”. There were all kinds of stuff from the Middle Ages and we even got to see old-school torture equipment. Some people were dressed to fit the festival and we witnessed duels, archery battles and so much more.




On Monday was a public holiday (May Day) so we didn’t have work. Instead we decided to travel to Blue Lagoon in Comino. We took a ferry from Ic-Cirkewwa to Blue Lagoon and after 10 minutes we arrived to our destination. It was mesmerizing to see such landscapes I’ve only seen in photos and advertisements. The water was so clean and turquoise! We stayed the whole day there exploring the island and adoring the views.

Yesterday we explored Marsaskala, which is a sea-side village in the South Eastern Region of Malta with a population of 12 00 people. Even though it’s right by the sea, it was so hot I felt like I was melting. We saw some pretty rad street art and a few abandoned houses. We also discovered a beautiful and peaceful beach there.

When we walked along the Promenade, we saw salt pans on the shore. Salt pans have been used at least for 350 years in Malta. Basically, the sea water fills the crevices in the coast line. It is left settled for eight days and then it is moved to smaller salt pans, further from the sea and in a warmer temperature. The salt starts to dry and form salt crystals. After it has dried enough, it is collected, processed, packed by hand and distributed to markets, food shops and souvenir stores.

Kind of amazing, huh?

Gollum in Marsaskala

At work we have been filling in envelopes that will be given to the customers at the start of their tours. The envelopes include a feedback poll, airport policies, luggage tag and such things. It sounds easy but it’s very precise, we have to write every customers name separately on the envelope and on the feedback poll we write the tour names and dates.

Today our co-worker Isabelle brought us pieces of chocolate cake in the middle of the day! It was a cheerful surprise. On Wednesday we will go see Valletta’s branch of Britannia Tours and meet other people that work for Britannia Tours.

This is a totally normal sight on our work desks at work. So much paper work!


Have a nice day! Or as the Maltese say, Il-gurnata t-tajba!

Best wishes,


Goodbye to Denmark

Today is my last day in Denmark. I sit in a hotel room in Billund thinking the time I spent here. The pictures are more than words, so I show some of my good memories in pictures.

Riding tour with Icelandic horses. Seldrupgård, Beder.

Aarhus – European Capital of Culture 2017

Den Gamle By (The Old Town) is a national open-air museum of urban history and culture in Denmark through three decades. The best museum I ever visited!

The Botanical Garden and Tropical Houses are near of Den Gamle By in the centre of Aarhus.

Aarhus Cathedral is the longest church in Denmark and it seats 1200 people.

Wonderful Copenhagen.

Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.

Watch and see and learn …

That is how my boss Per says when he wants me to learn something new. I’ve had the opportunity to do all kind of jobs in Violen and  I’ve learned a lot during these weeks.  All floral work has become familiar in a fun and “hygge” way.  I’ve taken hundreds of pictures and some videos too. Now is the last practice week and I’m returning to Finland this weekend. I bring good memories and a lot of experience with me.

Cut flowers and some bouquets I’ve made.

Funeral wreaths.

Wreath to honor of the newly built house is a Danish tradition.


General Issues

Hi, have a nice time reading this. I am not a name, I am a number 17161. At least in my working place´s database. Well, I was given a name Tero, which has been in use since that. And who knows how old my soul is. This body I use in this existence is almost 29 years old. But what might really matter is that I am practicing  greenhouse work and paving now in Denmark. My accommodation is in a gardening school called jordbrugetsskole (or simply Green Academy) in Beder. The Danish students living here are nice people, which prevents me from sleeping enough. In greenhouse I will work for 3 weeks and then I will change to a paving company for 3 weeks. I arrived here in 17.4.2017, on a day when no markets was open. But I was lucky to get coffee and bread from a local bakery.

The very next day I started to work for company called Graff Kristensen, which is located in Sabro, 10km to northwest from Aarhus. Their main product is hibiscus, but they grow also poinsettia, and I have seen some cacti growing there too. It is my first experience working in a greenhouse so I really don´t know if there is something which would be called special in their procedures. But what seems to be common practice in this field of business is that majority of the workers come from eastern Europe. And that is a thing which makes the work even more enjoyable for me. Even though it is a bad thing that global economy is in imbalance, which causes the need for people to travel away from their homes. These people have welcomed me well and they have taught me their languages. So I have learned more Polish and Ukrainian than Danish, and anyone who has ever tried to speak Danish, understands why.

So far this experience has been beyond all the praising words. In only one week I have had so many new experiences that it is already hard to remember those all. For example in last Sunday my friend Martin made me go into the sea in hangover, right after we had woken up. And I can tell it was cold because of the insane wind I never have to feel in Finland. It was more of a challenge than going into avanto last winter. I don´t know if I have the guts to party with him anymore if that is the way we shall always cure our hangovers.

Pictures might be provided later. Until then just imagine a flat land in spring.

Could someone please explain me this existence?




Second week in Malta

Evening everyone!

It’s Susanna writing again. Since Remus last post much hasn’t happened. We have start get used to our work place and working is easier everyday. Also we have been get to now our workmates little bit better and they had bring us some traditional Maltese pastry and they have been interested in Finland and our language. We have been doing now same kind of office work which Remu told you in last post.

Traditional Maltese cake which one our workmate brought to office. it was pretty good!
Gate to Mdina

Enough from work. Last weekend we explored this kind of weird culture and country more and last Friday after work we found our way to Mdina. Mdina is Malta’s  old capital city and it’s history has traces back more than 4000 years. It still has it’s walls and moat and when you walk from the city gate it’s like you have been time traveled straight to the Middle Ages. Its not allowed to drive a car there which make it really calm place. The quietness, churches, chapels and architecture which has been remain unbelievable well guarantees amazing experience.

One of the several churches in Mdina
Alley in Mdina


This is The Blue Grotto

We spent Saturday in Blue Grotto and it’s marvelous sea caves which are popular tourist attractions. Why? you should just take a boat and see it yourself. It locates at the coast at the southern part of Malta and the bare, rocky island and sea shows there whole new side of them. The Blue Grotto Malta started to get its name in the early 1950’s, when the British army personnel located in Malta at the time, used to ask the local fisherman to take them for a boat trip to the Blue Grotto sea caves.



One Blue Grotto sea cave
Water was so clear in the sea caves!



At Blue Grotto there was a birdwatcher (Sharp sight Falconry) and people had a chance to hold the bird on their hand







At Sunday we decided to relax and go to the beach. We did some research and after hard choice we went to Golden Bay which is one of the Malta’s best beach.  It was a bit disappointment because that day was pretty windy and in the shore there was lot of dead reed but because the wind we didn’t even want to go swim. But it was still nice to see a new part of this island.

Golden Bay


Golden Bay






So I think there was all for this time so good night and sleep thigh!
