Category Archives: Learning Diaries

Towards Normandy, France


My name is Leena. I’m studying horticulture at the Jämsä College. In a few days I will be heading towards Normandy, France, for a training period of 4 weeks.  I will be living and working at the Horticultural College at Coutances. There is a botanical garden and a Dahlia Festival going on. Sounds wonderful to me! At the moment I’m feeling quite nervous although I’m sure everything will be fine once I get there.

Long time no seeeeeeee


Yeah so…. My laptop died. And now it’s back to life again! Kind of…

Time is flying when you have a good time, yeah? My time here in England is so perfect and happy and I just realized that next week I’m going back to home…..

I’ve done lot of work and when you have lot of work you work hard right? So when I work hard, I play hard. And that’s exactly what I have done!

My co-workers are really nice and I get along with them really well! I feel like at home and I’ve learned quickly how everything works. Today I got a lot of compliments from my boss because I understand and get the hang of things really quick.
My work basically has been just planting and potting. Cleaning and watering. I also managed to burn my back at work.

On weekdays after work i’ve watched netflix or strolled around town and read a book. On weekends i’ve tried Chichesteris night life and visited Bognor a lot because my friend lives in there. Next weekends plans are to go to see what Brighton looks like!
I was so worried that my english wasnt good enough here but everyone understands me really Well and I understand everyone. So sad I need to leave as soon as I feel totally comfortable here. But I will have unforgetable memories with me.



This is my favorite glasshouse <3


love, Minnameeri

Last words

Hello everyone!

So six weeks in Malta is gone now and we have been back in Finland two weeks now. It’s nice to bee back home but I have been really busy lately. I have started my summer work and prepared my graduation party and I have to confess that I forged to write this final report and that’s why it toke so long.

If I think our Malta experience now after two weeks I think I learned lot even at first I thought that I won’t learn much working in travel agency. I also scared that my language skills wont’t get any better because our work mates spoke mostly Maltese, but I was wrong whit that too. Our work place Britannia Tours was really nice and I could work for them anytime if I got a chance. Also Maltese culture is lovely and people there are so friendly and I think I will find my self from there many times during my life. Even Paragon Europe the society which toke care of our accommodation and everything else was really careless and they didn’t do much when we told them something was wrong In the end I think our experience was good and I will miss that place except our apartment. 😀

So now we have told you everything about our trip and I hope you liked our stories!



Many things have happened


So our school in here is over. Thank you to all students and teachers who were with us and taught new things to us <3  We went to the beach to swim and play some volley with students and it was SO fun 😛 We will miss you guys!

And we started working wednesday at Forestal Park (It was my birthday too hahah). I’m very afraid of highs and I was thinking that if this was a bad idea, but I think I’m doing well 😀 I won myself and climped up and it wasn’t so bad 😛 We still have to learn many new things, but I think that we will learn fast 🙂 Workers at Forestal Park are so nice to us <3

Another day we went to the beach with Sanna and Katja and we had a great day <3 Evening we went to watch sunset and it was SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

Aaaaaand we have been shopping, chilling and eating……and been lost a couple of times, but we have always found our way to home 😀

I really love this place and I’m happy that I came here <3 Sorry mom, but I think I’m not coming home 😛

So that’s all for now. Good night everyone!


Getting Stoned

Good morning, I still don`t understand how god morgon is supposed to be pronounced. Even though I have said it several times every morning. And this morning is the morning I don`t anymore wake up for work in GardenWorks.

So I spent 3 weeks working in this gardening company called GardenWorks, which maintains and builds gardens for all kinds of customers. Let`s just say this first: this is a company I can recommend if someone is looking for a place for work or practise. From the first day on, I already got to do just the same things as the actual workers do.

These weeks included planting, sowing, a bit of lawnmowing and risusavotta, and a lot of stonework! Actually I don´t even try to list every single different kind of task I did. One day we even took a flagpole down, And the other day we lifted it up again. I was suprised that on the first day I already laid some paving stones. Which was nice. During this practise, I was allowed to use many machines and tools the workers needed in their projects. I will post pictures when technological conditions allow it. And even risusavotta can be educative; if the trees happen to be something You don´t meet in Your home forests.

It was pure pleasure to work in +25c sunshine weather for many days. Well, I have to admit that at some moments it was a bit exhausting. Lately I have spent my freetime mostly by exploring the plants this local area and school garden contains. And of course hanging out with friends, and doing some gardening with them.

Factory Work In a Nursery

Hi, again. I have been listening to Danish language for 5 weeks now. It is still a mystery how they pronounce their language. Even though  I have worked for the last two weeks mainly with Danish people unlike in the greenhouse, which will be the next subject.

I spent 3 weeks working in a company called Graff Kristensen, which is huge  hibiscus plantation, at least in my point of view. Well, I guess anyone could consider it huge, because it contains hundreds of thousands of plants at all times. Most of them are grown from cuttings which are originally from Vietnam. Reason for this is that the mother plants are better in Vietnam´s sunshine. The cuttings are brought by aeroplanes to Netherlands, and then by trucks to Denmark. Six months after their arrival to this nursery those cuttings have become nice hibiscus flowers, which shall travel all around the world. This coming of cuttings and sending of final products happen weekly. This is a lot of energy spent on producing dying decorations. Just think about an aeroplane with a cargo of cuttings for a decorative plant.

Back to more usual issues; I enjoyed my time working in this greenhouse, and I am thankful for the people there. I now have the experience of almost every kind of practical work in an industrial scale greenhouse. I had good guidance to the greenhouses practises and introduction to their company.

Hibiscus is a nice looking flower, and you can use it in infusions and it has also other ways of use. You can find more information about it if You can read this. I don´t recommend to use these ones which are grown for decorations, because of the wide range of chemicals sprayed on them.

Good vibes

Good morning!

Today is (finally) our last day in Malta. Our flight leaves at 17:20 from Malta to Frankfurt and we’ll be in Finland after midnight. I’m missing my pets, friends and family so much. After all, six weeks have gone by very quickly. We’ve had a lot of fun!

This week we visited Manoel Island in Gzira. It’s located right next to Sliema. Manoel Island’s population is zero if you don’t count in the ducks, hens, geese, guinea pigs, rabbits and cats living in the Duck Village. Duck Village is maintained by one man who has built it from trash and things he has found in the streets.  Funny to see cats and birds getting along so fine!

On Manoel Island there is Fort Manoel but it’s not open to public. It’s an old war fort and it was built in the 18th century. It has been restored after WWII. I was a bit disappointed that we couldn’t go around the fortress but we walked around the island itself. Needless to say, it was stunning! Nuff says, the fort is haunted by the Black Knight but we didn’t catch a glimpse of him.

Tuesday was our last work day at the head office in Qormi. We made wallets for the customers and organized them by the meeting dates.

Before every tour the customers have a meeting in the head office where the tour leader tells them about the trip and gives them the plane tickets. It’s usually kept one or two weeks before the departure.

After we had done all our work, we bought 11 doughnuts for our co-workers, gave them Karl Fazer’s chocolate and fed them salmiakki. Surprisingly, no one even grinned when tasting it! It was kind of sad to leave all our workmates there, but I’m sure we’ll be in touch in the future.

On Wednesday & Thursday we went to the Mosta Branch. We invoiced customers and made bookings with the Group Travel System. It was a lot of fun to work with Natasha, Maddie and Andrew! After work we had a closing meeting with Paragon.

Our last three days we’ve spent well in the beach. I’m going to miss the sea so much! I love swimming in it and watching the waves hit the coast when it’s windy.

This has been as great adventure for the both of us. We’ve learned a lot about Maltese culture and working as a part of a big family business. I recommend this for anyone who has ever thought about working abroad. You should follow your dreams and go already!

Best wishes,


Something new something old

Evening everyone!

So today our last week started and I am pretty exited to come back home but same time it’s kind of sad because I am gonna miss this place and people here. But lets get to the point.  Since last post at work we have been filling in the customer wallets and counting all ready past tours feedback forms. Last week at Wednesday we also got to know the Valletta’s branch and we  were taught how to make the reservations and stuff like that. It was really nice  because the people there were extra friendly and the customer were so laid-back. We were there also today but we didn’t work whit customers this time. So we have learned again something new.

Working hard in Valletta branch 😀
Our space in Valletta branch








At Tuesday after work we went to Lascaris War Rooms and Saluting Battery. It is a war museum and it consist of an underground complex of tunnels and chambers that housed the War Headquarters from where the defense of Malta was conducted during the Second World War. This secret complex contained operations rooms for each of the fighting services from where not only the air defense of Malta was coordinated,  but also some of the greatest battlesfought in the Mediterranean during the war. It was really interesting because we don’t know much about Malta’s history. We also witnessed a cannon shot in Saluting Battery it was pretty impressive.

Soldiers starting to load the cannon












Really old phone which was used to communicate in world war 2

Room were Malta’s air forces were leaded






At weekend we toke really easy. At Saturday we went to the beach in Sliema but we weren’t there so long because we were to near at coast and one bigger wave wet our towels. 😀 After that accident we just hanged around in Sliema. In the evening we went to see our boss’ band gig. It was awesome and you can check their Facebook profile at this link Decline The Fall !

But I think there was everything worth of telling from our last week

till next one!
