Category Archives: Learning Diaries

Week 2 in Ibiza

Everything is fine in here, working trainee place is good and workers try  they best to tell me about everything and i have learnt many new things in there. This week we were putting tubes for cables and then we pulled cables in to them. Also we istalled sockets places to be ready for couplings. Weather has been this week bad, its been raining couple days now.

Third week in Czech rebublic.

We were working in material management department in Kone. It was basic storage work, we got a work order from our work leader, then we searched for the items in the paper and placed them in our chart. We spent all of the free time in a students free time club Playing table football and pool.

I will add some of the pictures in next week post because i need to ask if those pictures are okay to use.

First week in Usti nad labem

The trip to Usti went mostly well. We had some problems in the metro of prague but we solved them easily. Now we have been working at KONE factory in Usti. It has been interesting. The employees of the factory have been very kind and helpfull to us. At our freetime we have spent a lot of time at the centre of Usti. I will add some pictures here img_20170130_215506

Our temporary “home”

Paving in Denmark

Study trip 14.11.-25.11.2016 in Denmark, Beder

We made 2 weeks’ study trip to Denmark with 8 students and teacher Jari Järvenranta. Our destination was Jordbrugets UddannelsesCenter Århus in Beder.


Purpose of this trip was how to make paving and to use right stones to different places.
We accommodated in dormitory. There were twin rooms with showers and also comfortable shared kitchen and living room.


First week we were working with Danish students in big hall. Floor area was filled with thick sandbed (like sandbox). We were separated in groups with two Danish and two Finnish students. Danish students teached us from step to step. It was really instructive way to learn paving. They had 12 weeks’ experience about paving, but we didn´t have any experience for that and all was new for us. Mostly we used different kind of natural stones.






We made different kind of practices; example how to build the wall, arch with natural stone and also concrete paving.


We also cut stones with stone chisel and used laser for measurement


Teachers were experts and friendly, and they gave us very good advices. One of the teachers has world quiness record in paving. After we finished the first paving project we had a barbeque party


On second week we practiced how to make concrete stone paving. It was more easier that using natural stones.

One day we visited in Hoffman, Unique Garden Design and local Stark. Hoffman is a big landscape company, and they use much more equipment’s in paving work than companies in Finland. They showed us how to use paving machine .


Unique Garden Design is only company in Denmark who makes special design gardening. Quality is very high, but you have to pay for it. For example they ordered customs granite stones from China as a bespoke.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner were eaten in school canteen. The food was delicious and excellent, and special meals were noticed well. The food was just like in 5 star hotel with cheese plates, lots of different salads, fruits and fresh bread/rolls. Kitchen staff was making also morning porridge just for us. When we left the canteen, we had difficulties to put the chairs up . Also in class rooms there were same rules. In our school there is not that kind of rules. It was quite funny when the chef gave a permission to take a food, and all Danish students RUN and picked the food from the buffet table.
We had leisure time also .
Most of us visited in Aros art museum, botanical garden and Moesgård museum.



Walking on the beach was relaxing after the paving days. We also visited Århus many times with busses, because it took only 20 minutes by bus to the city. We also walked in great school area and in small Beder village. We noticed that Danish invest must more to gardening and paving that we in Finland.

It’s time to come back to Finland

Now it’s over.. The atmosphere is plaintive but happy. 🙂 6 weeks is long time to be away from people you love. We are just waiting that we can hear Finnish language, get Finnish food, get to drive by car and of course meet our parents, friends, cats etc.
Our trip to Brussels on Thursday was interesting.

We didnt get to meet Anneli Jäätteenmäki because she had already left to Finland but we met her assistant, Panu Litmanen. He introduced us the whole building, for example Parliamen’s plenary hall and Anneli’s office.

There was a lot of armed soldiers everywhere in Brussels because there was some the terrorist attack in March.

On Friday we met Hans Kok for the last time. We discussed our experiences on the job. Conversation lasted half an hour. In the evening our lessor made finnish dinner for us. Macaronicasserole was really good 🙂

Now we have to go to the center of Egmond buy some souvenirs.

Our flight leave 18.50pm. Let’s see how we will survive with our suitcases.. 😀
Best Regads

Jenni & Iida

Vähiin käy ennenkuin loppuu…

Kerron ensin jotain meidän reissusta LONTOOSSA!!

Reissu oli mah-ta-va! Olemme niin ylpeitä, NIIIN YLPEITÄ itsestämme. Jännitystä, tietämättömyyttä, ‘eksymistä’, uusia kokemuksia, tuntemuksia, odottamista, valvomista, tunteita <3 Niin uskomatonta! Torstai-perjantai välisenä yönä emme siis nukkuneet ollenkaan. Pääsimme reilun tunnin päiväunille hotellille (siis perjantaina klo 14 jälkeen Lontoon aikaa) yli 30tunnin valvomisen jälkeen. (Hotelli sijaitsi Earls Courtissa) Tuon jälkeen lähdimme seikkailemaan. Matkustimme metrolla Oxford Streetille, joka on Lontoon pääkatu, suuuuri sellainen. Otimme kuvia, ihastelimme kaikkea sitä suuruutta, kävimme kaupoilla. Hotellille menimme aikaisin, 20.30. (väsymys!)

Lauantai aamuna aamupalan kautta suuntasimme Victoria Stationille (olimme sopineet kaverini kanssa, joka asuu Englannissa, että tapaisimme). Matkalla tuli muuttujia, olimme hypänneet väärään metroon. Paddingtonissa metrosta ulos ja etsimään oikea metro, tämä kävi helposti 😉 Tuo metroliikenne kävikin loppupeleissä melko tutuksi..

Tapasimme kaverini Emilian, joka toimi matkaoppaanamme tuon lauantaipäivän. Kiertelimme ympäriinsä ja kyselimme ja taas vähän napsittiin kuvia 😉 Lauantai iltana uskaltauduimme London eyeihin (maailmanpyörä) josta saimmekin upeita kuvia:












Lauantai yönä selvisimme nukkumaan  klo 00.30 ja kerkesimme peräti tunnin nukkua kun piti tavaroita alkaa pakkailemaan. Kahden jälkee lähdimme hotellilta metroasemalle, mutta portit olivatkin kiinni. Pieni panikki meinasi iskeä. Onneksi tuli bussi ja kuskilta kysyimme apua. Hän otti meidät kyytiin ja vei bussiasemalle. Sieltä otimme toisen bussin, joka vei Victoria Stationille, josta jatkoimme junalla Gatchwikin lentoasemalle. Lentoasemalla piti vielä junalla matkustaa pohjoisterminaaliin. Huh. Lähtöselvityksistä ja turvatarkastuksista selviydyttyämme pystyimme jo hieman huokaista. Kuinka ihanaa olikaan päästä ‘tutuille’ seuduillle Amsterdamiin ja siitä omalle kylälle Egmondiin 😀 Sunnuntaina iltapäivällä olimme takaisin omalla asunnolla. Kertakaikkiaan unohtumaton reissu!

Eilen juhlimme läksiäisiämme töissä. Saimme ihanat lahjat kiiitokseksi. Herkisteltiin(minä), tunteiltiin ja kiiteltiin <3

Nyt on koittanut viimeinen työaamu. Tässä jo reilun kaksi tuntia kuunnellut kaatosateen ropinaa ja myrskytuulen ulvontaa. Säätiedoissa varoitellaan keltaisin varotuksin tuulesta: 32km/h (puuskat jopa 60) ja odotetaan pahenevan..

Haikein mielin viimeistä päivää töihin. 🙁
Huomenna viimeinen reissu edessä. LÄHDEMME BRYSSELIIN! Olemme sopineet vierailun Euroopan parlamenttiin, jossa meitä on vastassa eräs europarlamentaarikon avustaja, joka esittelee meille rakennuksen. Hän yrittää myös järjestää tapaamisen yhden mepin kanssa. 🙂

Niiin jännittävää!

Näihin tunnelmiin heippa!

Jenni ja Iida

Reilun viikon päivitys (and mostly in finnish) because…

Now it’s hurry to get to sleep…

Last week went very quickly. Monday, after work, we met danish girl (she picked up for us from our apartment) and we went to Alkmaar together. We went shopping (H&M and PRIMARK!!) and the second of those was amazing! We were in the “shoppingheaven”, i mean for real! There was so lovely clothes and really cheap. We liked! But we went there 15minutes before it closed.:( I have to go there again next week. 🙂

After shopping I wanted food from Mc’Donalds so we went to get some food for me, mmm LEKKER!  (it’s dutch and meaning delicious)

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we didn’t do “anything special”. Just hung out after work. I got sick on Thursday so I had to leave from the work a little bit earlier, it wasn’t nice 🙁

Retkellä eläintarhaan.

Kaikki nämä eläimet olivat vapaana samassa aitauksessa. Elukoita pääsi silittelemään, ottamaan kuvia ym.

Tästä pahaisesta kalkkunasta mulla on oma tarina kerrottavana!! (:D)

On Saturday we were in Alkmaar, there was some historical event. There was some artist whos appeared in the tent – A LOT of people in everywhere!! We had very fun.

On Sunday we made a homemade pizza and again LEKKER, it was hevenly! 😛

About this week..hmm,nothing special. In work of this hole week we changed the diapers, played with the children, helped with dining, crafted with the children… Today we had to say goodbye for one of the worker and i cried! 🙁 We won’t meet her again.

Ihanat Laura & Elma! Meijjän pomot.

Sisäinen luovuus. (saatiin maalata ikkunoita)

BUT THIIIISSS EVENING AND THE NEXT NIGHT IS GOING TO BE SOOOO EXCITING… > We are going to leave to LONDON! Tämän takia tuo aloitus “kiire nukkumaan” jos ehtisi ottaa tunnin parin tirsat ennen “koitosta”.

Hui! Todellakin. Tänä iltana lähdemme viimeisellä linkillä (klo 23.15)täältä Egmondista kohti Alkmaaria. Olemme Alkmaarissa n.klo 23.35. Odotamme tunnin junan saapumista (lähtee 00.30), tänä aikana olisi osattava ostaa automaatista junaliput.

Juna saapuu Schipholin kentälle n. Klo 1.50, jossa joudumme odottamaan 5 Tuntia ennenkuin lentokone lähtee.(lento lähtee perjantai aamuna klo 7.00) Onpahan riittävästi aikaa etsiä oikeat reitit,oikea portti, kysellä,ihmetellä,ehkä nukkua..

Olemme Lontoossa Lutonin lentoasemalla klo 7.00 (Lontoon aikaa,huom.aikaero, lento kestää tunnin). Sieltä olisi osattava suunnistaa oikealla bussilla(?) Earls Courtiin, jossa varaamamme hotelli sijatsee (n.tunnin ajomatkan päässä). Huh! Tosin,pääsemme varaamaamme huoneeseen vasta klo 14.00 joten odottamista odottamisen perään 😉

Lauantaina tapaamme Lontoossa asuvaa kaveriani, joka on lupautunut kiertelemään meidän kanssa kaikki “pakolliset” nähtävyydet 😉 (ollaan ehkä olut jos toinenkin hänelle velkaa vaivannäöstä 😀 )

Lauantai-sunnuntai yönä sama yöseikkailu tiedossa Lontoon päässä, koska lento Amsterdamiin lähtee sunnuntai aamuna klo 7.00 ja eri kentältä johon saavuimme (Gatwickin lentoasemalta tällä kertaa) 🙂

Täällä tytöt vähän niinku reissaa 😉 Kaikki tämä opettaa ja ollaan hurjan innoissamme kaikesta tulevasta 😉

Ens viikolla taas uutta ohjelmaa, kuulette siitä lähempänä 😉 Can’t wait..
Terkkuja Suomeen! Nähdään pian!

Jenni ja Iida