
Now is the first week behind at ProJenni Travels in Torrevieja, Espanja.

We have learned to book teetimes, rent a car and buy flyftickets to our customers. We have office in the same businesspremises with Cafe Ella and Torremarket. She owns all off these. At work she have employer many countrys and every day we heard Spanish, Finnish and English for example. Because our customers coming for example the Finland, Sweden, Germany, so this confuses our heads.

Sari taught the spanishchef how to bake a finnish salty- and sweetpies, without a common language. They spoke with a sign. But result was very good.

Weather is good, the tempeature is 25-30 celsius. Fortunately our apartment is 300 meters away to the sea.

Dining out is cheap. Sometimes we didn’t know what we order, everything has been good.

Sari y Mari


Coutances calling

Almost two weeks have passed. There has been some new jobs: I have been working at the potting machine and planting seedling for the early spring market, and watering plants in the tunnels and in the shop. I have become pretty independent in my tasks, which is nice.
This place is a school. There are students of different ages and levels starting from youngsters of the third grade in high school (it takes 4 years in France) and those at the basic level of the professional college to young adults doing a two year extra course after the basic education. I have had the opportunity to work also with various classes doing different jobs under the supervision of their teachers. It has been very interesting to follow the teaching, and the students working. One time, for instance, the teacher explained the principles of watering and showed very precisely how it should be done. And then every student had a little parcel to water, and everybody followed attentively. It was interesting for me too to watch and learn!
As an extra treat, I have had the opportunity to take part at two floristry lessons. We made vertical arrangements in a sponge with three different dahlia-flowers: one big, three medium-sized and five small ones. The principles were, of course, but the working was very different. Where we, there back home, are given very free hands to create our own vision of the work in hand, here we had to follow instructions very stricktly. The aim was to produce ten or twelve exactly similar arrangements, only changing the choice of flowers used. We didn’t, of course, quite succeed It was really interesting and nice, and it was, actually, quite a difficult task to choose the flowers among 300 different varieties so that they would match nicely together and behave like wanted in the arrangement.
Tomorrow I’ll be off with the extra course students to visit the Ernest Turc enterprise, a big producer of different kinds of plant material, at least seeds and bulbs. They have, for instance, created the dahlia Normandie.

Torrevieja, Spain


Today was our first day in the office! Our job counselor is Johanna, who has come to work to projennis in the spring. Office is very small and it was difficult to move and work there, but fortunetaly the office will move to new premises within a few weeks.

Today we just get some information how to work and what we have to do. We allso use email to ask some free greefee times and send emails to customers. Mari allso wash several golf clubs :).

Tomorrow we stady how to rent a car. But now we have free time and we are going to eat some pasta and swim in the sea.

Mari y Sari

This is taken near Torrevieja marina

First week in Coutances

My first week in Coutances is behind. In the begining I was exhausted in the evenigs, after dinner. I guess it’s because there was everyday so many new things to learn and people to meet. Now I feel like I had stayed here for ever!

I have been working in the greenhouses and in the dahlia field. I have been picking strawberries in one tunnel and collecting Alstroemeria flowers in an otherone. I spend one and a half days cleaning the strawberry plants. There were quite a lot of fungus spreading there, so I tried to do the job properly.

Alstroemerias are nice. They grow in the real soil in a tunnel, and the oldest ones have been there for over twenty years. Only the very tall ones are collected. Small ones and the ones having only a few flowers are thrown away. My heart is crying! But I understood it better when I got some of the not so good ones to decorate my room, It wasn.t easy at all to arrange them nicely.

I have also arranged things in the shop of the greenhouse: organising plants nicely, writing name and price tags, cleaning faded flowers.

And then, of course, I have been a little in the dahlia field. It is quite a big area full of dahlias. All the different colours, all the different shapes. It is amazing! And all of it has been organised, planted and taken care of with students of the school. The Dahlia Festival was opened on Saturday afternoon. At the same time a new variety of dahlia was launched and baptised: it is called Normandie, and it is brilliant, pale yellow, like the famous cream and butter of Normandy.

Next time I will try to add some photos. For the moment, it has been enough to find out about the wifi, to be able to post anything at all.

Towards Normandy, France


My name is Leena. I’m studying horticulture at the Jämsä College. In a few days I will be heading towards Normandy, France, for a training period of 4 weeks.  I will be living and working at the Horticultural College at Coutances. There is a botanical garden and a Dahlia Festival going on. Sounds wonderful to me! At the moment I’m feeling quite nervous although I’m sure everything will be fine once I get there.

Long time no seeeeeeee


Yeah so…. My laptop died. And now it’s back to life again! Kind of…

Time is flying when you have a good time, yeah? My time here in England is so perfect and happy and I just realized that next week I’m going back to home…..

I’ve done lot of work and when you have lot of work you work hard right? So when I work hard, I play hard. And that’s exactly what I have done!

My co-workers are really nice and I get along with them really well! I feel like at home and I’ve learned quickly how everything works. Today I got a lot of compliments from my boss because I understand and get the hang of things really quick.
My work basically has been just planting and potting. Cleaning and watering. I also managed to burn my back at work.

On weekdays after work i’ve watched netflix or strolled around town and read a book. On weekends i’ve tried Chichesteris night life and visited Bognor a lot because my friend lives in there. Next weekends plans are to go to see what Brighton looks like!
I was so worried that my english wasnt good enough here but everyone understands me really Well and I understand everyone. So sad I need to leave as soon as I feel totally comfortable here. But I will have unforgetable memories with me.



This is my favorite glasshouse <3


love, Minnameeri

Erasmus+ working in Finland


My name is Xavi, I’m from Spain, Mallorca, 28th of March I came to Finland for do my studies practice here, I needed two months of work in one company or association. With Erasmus program I could come to Jamsankoski, was a difficult decision but nowadays im so proud about that. At the begining was little be hard, because I was alone I didn’t know nothing about the people and country, my first impresion was little bit weird, because Jamsankoski don’t have a lot of people. But my feels were changing with the time, I started to know how is Finnish people and that was one of the best and unexpected things, at the begining they looks like a little bit shy and cold people, but when you have more realtion with them you can see that they are so honest, helpful and lovely people, you can be yourself and they will not judge you.

First week I was working in Jamsa College doing physical educations lessons as a teacher assistent with Nina, Mira, Antti and Matias, I learned a lot about Finnish system education. First Monday Nina picked me up and we did skiing in Himös! Was my first time and was so funny, we laughed a lot!

Second and third week I was in Jämsä Old School, with Antti Nurmi, we did lessons about Crossfit, this week was so great because I met diferents teachers and we lunch all together in a lot of places, conversating and sharing opinions about diferences between Finland and Spain. One of this teachers was Sami, English teacher in Lukio, he invited me to one of his own lessons for introduced myself and explain to Finnish students what im doing in Finland.

Week number four, I was in special course of sports with students from different schools of Jämsä, (Paunu, Lukio, Old School..), in this time I was teacher of my own group of students, I did diferents lessons about football and basketball.

Next week I was one day in gym in Jämsä, was great, but I told to Nina that I wanted comeback to Jämsä College again with their lessons, because I felt more comfortable with students than with customers in gym. In the same week, Thursday Nina pick me up and we did Orientation in Jämsä with her sister and her husband, Juha, was really nice feel running in the forest.

I can remember thee special hikings that Nina show me in Finland, Isojarvi National Park, Oravivuori, Synninlukko and Rasuaniemi, all this places are so wondefull, awesome nature and views, really peacefuls sites!

Week six and seven i was in Swimming Hall with Marko and Timo, first week in Swimming Hall I did different lessons in gym for old people, circuits training and helped to Timo to instruct, also we did lessons in the pool with old people, aquajogging, aquatraining, etc.. Second week in Swimming Hall was with kids, we teached how to learn to float up and we used a lot of diferents games for that, was so good, because we could see how they improve in only one week! Also in this two weeks I was coaching Ilves football club in the evennings, I met Manne and Mika, they translate my trainings in Finnish for small players.


Last week I was in Canoeing Trip in Konnevesi, with other students, was wonderfull, awesome views and beautiful place, our cottige house was amaizing, and all the nature too. We down with kayaks a lot of rapids in a river, was exciting and funny and we were so lucky because we had perfect weather!

After Canoeing trip I was with Nina and all her family in her Cottige place, Antti and Mira as well, was really lovely day, we played Volleyball, did pancackes, we took Sauna and swim in the lake, i felt so confortable and like a Finnish boy. I want to say thanks to Nina, Mira and Antti, and especially to Wendy, all of them make me feel like at home, so confortable, take care of me like my family, I’m so lucky!

In conclusion I’m so proud and happy about my decision to come here to Finland, was one of the best experience of my life i would again for sure! I hope comeback again one day, see you soon FINLAND! Kiitos paljon.



Last words

Hello everyone!

So six weeks in Malta is gone now and we have been back in Finland two weeks now. It’s nice to bee back home but I have been really busy lately. I have started my summer work and prepared my graduation party and I have to confess that I forged to write this final report and that’s why it toke so long.

If I think our Malta experience now after two weeks I think I learned lot even at first I thought that I won’t learn much working in travel agency. I also scared that my language skills wont’t get any better because our work mates spoke mostly Maltese, but I was wrong whit that too. Our work place Britannia Tours was really nice and I could work for them anytime if I got a chance. Also Maltese culture is lovely and people there are so friendly and I think I will find my self from there many times during my life. Even Paragon Europe the society which toke care of our accommodation and everything else was really careless and they didn’t do much when we told them something was wrong In the end I think our experience was good and I will miss that place except our apartment. 😀

So now we have told you everything about our trip and I hope you liked our stories!

