
Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, 79 kilometres off the coast of the city of Valencia, in eastern Spain. It is the third largest of the Balearic Islands, an autonomous community of Spain. Ibiza has a population of 112.000 inhabitants, concentrated in the five municipalities in which it is divided: The capital Ibiza, Sant Antoni de Portmany, Sant Joan de Labritja, Sant Josep de sa Talaia and Santa Eulària des Riu. Its highest point Sa Talaiassa is 475 metres above sea level. Size of ibiza is 571km2.

The main industry is the tourism. 75 % of the population gets their income from the tourism sector.

The summer climate of Ibiza typically ranges in the upper 20s °C, often reaching 30.0 °C , with overnight lows below 22.2 °C . The winter, off-season temperature reaches 8.1–14.2 °C. On average it snows once every ten years.


Last days!

Hello! This will be my last blog update. Today was my last workday and tomorrow i will go to the bank for my salary. Then tomorrow i’ll pack my stuffs so it will be ready for saturday when i come back Finland!

well. About this final week. SO BUSY, we have like 1000 people eating so lot of work.

This week we had special decorations because days 21.6, 23,6 and 24,6 we have Sant Juan Ciutadella festivals! I have some photos about these.

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I was watching this festival one day. There was like 300 people or more in the streets and following horsemans. The idea of the festival: First horseman takes the Sant juan flag from the balcony and like 50 more horsemans follow this first one. Then people follow these horsemans.

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And this is the flag of Sant Juan:


I have to say thanks everybody for making this trip possible for me! This has been so amazing and teaching.


Hello! Two weeks anymore before i go back Finland.

About last week. It has been normal but more busier because 2 days ago the hotel got 100 new tourists. So more and more work coming 🙂

My roommate Lukas went work other place than me so i had to do all the things on my own again. He said me that next week i go to work in another place than salad place, maybe.

Here is some photos about this week:
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And this is the beach where I always go after work or day offs.

Cala en Forcat:

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So I was making my internship in Spain school named Onspain at 16.3-10.5.2015. My school in Finland have contact in Spain so they help me to get this place. So after we had choose that I`am going there we made all those paper works. 

So in Spain I lived in host family in area named El Palo, its part of Malaga. My home was really near to this school where I worked. So in school they have many classrooms and also big back yard. There is many worker in this school, teachers , guides etc. but actually every worker is very talented because they all have at least 2 skills, like many of them are same time tourist guides and Spanish languages teachers or secretary and same time Flamenco dance teacher. So I were there just because the school offers also tourist tours for students so I was always working in those tours.  
So I started my works there and they gave me my 8 weeks timetable and get me know to school.  So I had many tours during this 8 weeks but I had also office works. Sometimes days took 3-4 hours and sometimes 11-12 hours but it normal in this job. In those tours I was listening and learning and if the head guide was needing some help I helped him/her.  In office I made marketing works so they put me write a diary what they can add on own web sites. At 2 last week they also gave me to job to make new tour for the company. So during my internship i saw many awesome places and get known many great human. Spanish people are very kind and they make you feel very welcome.
I also got 10 hour Spanish lessons at begin . Teacher was very talented and she really knows how to teach. I learned Spanish languages ´´key´´ words and its helps me really much because many Spanish people didnt spoke English.  So lessons was English to Spanish so i think that was much more better than Finland to Spanish because when I was learning by another language than my mother language I really needed to think what iam doing and learning.
So I think this trip gave me many things for future. Also my English skills become better and i learn lots of Spanish language. And I guess iam going to star learn Spanish language in my next school! This was very nice experience and I get known that I really want to work on abroad at future doing my guide works. I dont belong  in Finland especially at winter time.

Hello again!

Hello there. Time is like flying here in Menorca. This week has been so busy because there is all the time more and more people coming to eat. Now we have like 600 people coming to eat for day. Next 2 weeks we will have like 1000 people eating for day. So even busier weeks coming!

This week has been normal except one special day we had 1 extra buffet for 100 people.

Here is some photos about the extra buffet:

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Entrance of the hotel

I made my last and fourth internship from school in a beautiful old hotel Reina                 Cristina in the city of Algeciras, located in south Spain. I was working in the reception from February 11th until the middle of May.
In hotel Reina Cristina they have about 180 rooms, in three floors with different views. There is also inside and outside pools, lobby -and pool bar and also two conference rooms. The whole hotel area is one big garden and its a great area to organize for example weddings. We had many weddings and other celebrations.

When I got this place for my internship, I thought long time that I was going to leave to city called Cadiz, cause Algeciras is a part of province of Cadiz and in the address of hotel I saw just Cadiz. Just some weeks before I left to Spain I was looking the map more specifically and noticed that I am leaving to city called Algeciras. Started to find information from internet about the city but I didnt find much.
When I got there, the city didnt seem too much living but with more time I started to like it. Is very different city that I have never been with harbor and not a lot of tourism. The tourism in Algeciras is based on people who stay there for maybe one night before they take a ferry to Morocco.
From Algeciras you cant move easily to other places, Gibraltar is very close its opposite of a port of Algeciras and you can see the rock all the time. Also in Algeciras there is good bus and train connections for example Cadiz, Sevilla, Ronda, Tarifa, Marbella, Malaga..
Algeciras is very near to Africa and its very easy to get there, you just go the port of Tarifa and take a ferry from there and it arrives to Morocco in one hour.
I liked the nature of Algeciras and the big moutains that surrounded the area.


Beautiful long beach of Tarifa
Beautiful long beach of Tarifa
Beach close to the hotel, called Getares
Beach close to the hotel, called Getares
Point from Tarifa where you can see to Morocco
Point from Tarifa where you can see to Morocco

When I arrived to Malaga in February, Julie from the hotel was there and picked me up and we left driving to Algeciras, by car it took about 1,5 hour.
Arrived to the hotel, and next day we left to get NIE number for me so I can start working. We went to couple offices and bank to register my informations and I got the number. Same day I started working. My working clothes was a skirt, shirt, jacket and a tie with the logo of the company Hoteles Globales.
I was working always in the morning or in the afternoon, I didnt have night shifts. Morning shift was from 8-16 and afternoon from 14-22.
The first month I lived in very small room at the hotel, but after one month I just didnt fit in anymore with all of my property so I changed to one bigger room at the hotel.

Picture from my terrace
Picture from my terrace

At work everything went well, I didnt have any big issues. Couple of times in the start was hard situations with the local clients if I didnt understand their Spanish good and they didnt speak English. But later I started understood what they wanted and was able to serve with them too. Some of the local clients was reacted friendly and sympathetically when I told I speak little bit Spanish, but some of them was surprised and wondered how is possible that I work in the reception and not speaking perfectly Spanish, which I totally understood.

Most of the clients at the hotel were from UK or from Spain. After them there were clients from Germany, Portugal, Italy, USA and Scandinavians. Clients from Finland I met maybe 5-6 times.
Most of the clients were people that have already retired and was looking for a beautiful nice and quiet place for relax at their holidays.
In the end of April the hotel was totally full, we had a teams playing handball at the hotel. Kids were ages 8-16. At that time we get many appeals cause the kids were very noisy in the rooms and all the areas of the hotel. Those times we called the mechanic working in the hotel to go and tell them to be more quiet..
In the hotel we had also many loyalty customers that keeps coming to the hotel couple of times in a year, year after year. They love the style of Reina Cristina and like to visit Gibraltar often cause its near.

From this internship I learned of course the Spanish culture and to understand how are Spanish people. Also some Spanish language which will be helpful in the future travelling there. Of course was developing my English too and I got a lot of compliments of it which was very nice.
After all I had a great and instructive time at Spain and I am very happy for this experience! 🙂

Here is a link to one video that is telling about the city of Algeciras, and in time 3 minutes there is filmed the hotel I was. There is Sara, the event producer and Francisco, the Manager of the hotel and they are telling that the hotel is oldest in Costa Del Sol and that in Algeciras there is very old and relevant railway station.
Also in the video you can see the nature that I was talking about before. Just before 3 minutes in the video, there is a part where the girl is telling that from there you can see Morocco, Ceuta and Gibraltar!
From the video (time before 1 minute) you can also see some parts about Paco de Lucia. He was one of the most significant flamenco guitarist of all time, he is from Algeciras and people are very proud of him. He died of February 2014 and in the city you can see memorial things for him. When was gone one year of his death, there was a huge memorial event in the centre. The sister of Paco de Lucia was staying in Reina Cristina with her family at that time.
They are filming also the port of Algeciras, which is getting bigger and bigger.
And much more!

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZlozLhyL20



Hola de nuevo!

I have to say i’m sorry for not writing blog for long time. It’s been really busy because i had to get the NIE number and i got a little problems with that. After NIE number i needed to get my security number so that I can work here in Spain. After all I finally got internet (today) for my laptop.

So about this and earlier week. Couple days ago i got new roommate His name is Lucas and hes from Czech. Hes 18 and he came to work in the same kitchen as I. Hes working in same place as me, so i had to teach him what i have learned. I have been doing other work when he is doing everything what i used to do. I have done everything what my teacher chef Angel tells me to do, like special salads to the buffet. Angel showed me how many clients there will be in this month. This week we have like 500 people for day. After 2 week we will have more like 900-1000 people for day so it will be busier and more work.

I have learned how to do many beautiful decorations. I have couple photos what i have done. And some of them are made by Angel  IMG_3031 IMG_3124 IMG_3127IMG_3034IMG_3126


IMG_2950And this is my funny and casual chef teacher Angel. Believe me, hes a really good teacher. 🙂

Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry The END

Hey everyone! The last week is nearly over and we didn’t really have time to do anything else other than practicing on simulators. The trip has been extremely nice, apart from some little drawbacks that we were able to handle. But no we’ll look towards the upcoming summer holiday and next falls semester. And a special thanks to all of you people who made this trip possible for us! A very VERY big thank you