Category Archives: Learning Diaries

Doing something else than watching Netflix..

Last weekend we went to get a coffee (hot chocolate and tea) at a café and to the the cinema. We also visited local library, small and a cute one. And there was free wi-fi! <3


On Friday we went to the café at town. Me and Tinja got a hot chocolate and Janita took a tea. All shops and cafes close pretty early, around 5 so it’s a bit hard to go anywhere after work (because we leave work 16.00 and by bus we are at town around 16.30-16.45.999On Sunday we went to the cinema at the Bognor Regis (it takes 20 minutes by bus). Me and Tinja went to see Zootropolis and Janita went to see Batman v Superman. Movie tickets were cheap there, on weekends £3,50 and Monday to Friday only £2,50.
We accidentally took the sweet popcorns, never going to do it again! It was weird that they sell alcohol at the cinema..


– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

3rd week already

This week went quickly as usual. Lots of working.

Hanna has been working with Shaun, the kitchen gardener. Mostly planting lettuce and onion. Sowing carrot, beetroot and lettuce. Supporting peas and beans with string and hazel branches. Keeping tidiness in vegetable display in a glasshouse. Taking bad leafs off and taking pots out if they are already flowering.blogi


Tinja has been working with Anne and planting lilium etc. weeding. thinning side-shoots and tying in cucumbers. Cut some branches. Making support cages for herbaceous.

Taking off last years growth.



Janita has been helping Laura, glasshouse gardener. Replanting orchids, planting Gesneriads rhizome (they looked a bit like worms) potting fuchsia and begonias. Checked succulent plants of mealy bug and aphid. Moving strawberries to a different glasshouse.



– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

workworkworkworkwork vol 2


As many busy days this week as there are ‘work’ words in the headline. So no pictures, sorry not sorry.

We have been working in the reception from Monday to Friday. Riina has been doing the morning shift (8-16) and Pinja the evening shift (14-22). Because of the ah so lovely bus travel to work, Riina had to wake up at 6am every morning and Pinja was home after 11pm every night. Zzzz…

The only things we have been mostly doing are fileing the reservations (which is a pain in the booty since the files are _VERY_ full) and adding the customer information to the reservation system. And on the quiet days the lovely staff (we really, really like them) has been teaching us about working in the reception.

This weekend we have been chilling and enjoying the sun. Nothing special. We really don’t have the energy to do anything special (not after having a group of 245 British people filling up the hotel on Friday).


considering the change of our ringtones to Enrique Iglesias’s song to blend in,

Pinja & Riina


At the moment we are in the forestal park after hotel life. Everything is ok, but in here spanish people doesn’t know, what laundry means(general manager). I am just kidding we have been great time in here forestal park and everything is just fine. I think that you want to see pictures, sorry maybe next time, because have to go sleep. We are very grateful for school of benditat for time, what we spend over there.

After couple days in forestal park we just feel great, because atmosphere in here is great and we have learned already so much important about adventure actions.

ps. We have own floor in our hostel

Adios amigos for next time with photos.

What have we been up to..?

We have been 2 weeks (soon 3) in England now and it have went quite good and really fast.

We have eat the English breakfast at 12 o’clock afternoon in restaurant, went to Brighton doing shopping, saw some live music and met friendly people.

Hanna’s vegetarian breakfast

Brighton was beautiful, although all our time went shopping that day so we need to go there again to see more of the beach. To get to the Brighton from Chichester we needed to take the bus to Little Hampton and from there a bus to Brighton. The journey took about 3 hours but it was worth it.

“Best” picture of us

blogiYesterday when we were going to work, our bus didn’t arrive. Apparently it broke on the way. So we didn’t arrive to work on time, we called that and explained it. The next bus was on time and we get to work only a half hour late.

– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

Too many beautiful things

Viime viikolla kävin torstaina Alkmaarissa tapaamassa muita samaan aikaan kanssani Hollantiin tulleita harjottelijoita. Reissu oli mukava ja Alkmaar ihana kaupunki! Tapaamisen lomassa tutustuimme myös kouluun jossa se pidettiin, oli tyypeillä pikkasen hienot puitteet!





Reissuilu jatkui lauantaina. Tällä kertaa vuorossa oli Delft. Tutkin katuja, kiipesin kirkon torniin ja vein itseni maailman suloisimpaan vaaleanpunaiseen kahvilaan 🙂 Aikani pyörittyäni kävin vielä leffassa katsomassa uuden Viidakkokirjan, oli muuten hyvä!




Seuraavana päivänä otin puolalaisten kämppisteni ja heidän ystäviensä kanssa suunnaksi Keukenhofin puutarhat ( Siellä oli pari kukkaa…ne oli aika nättejä.

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Tällä viikolla töissä on edessä “punainen viikko”,  mikä tarkoittaa paljon tekemistä ja pitkiä päiviä. Ikävöin Fazerin sinistä tsemppaamaan… 😉

Mukavaa viikkoa!


//On thursday last week I went to Alkmaar to meet other trainees who came to the Netherlands at the same time with me. It was a nice trip and Alkmaar a lovely city! During the meeting we also did a little tour in school where it took place. They really have quite nice settings there!

I continued my trip week on Saturday and went to Delft. I explored the streets, climbed to the big churches tower (ough the stairs) and took myself to the sweetest pink coffeehouse in the world 🙂 After having enough of wandering I went to the movies to see The Junglebook. It was so good!

Next day my Polish roommates and their friends let me come with them to the Keukenhof gardens ( There were couple of flowers…which were pretty nice 😉

This week in work we have the “red week”. That means we have long days and lot to do. I miss Fazer’s chocolate and it’s boosting abilities…

Have a great week!


Handy tools in gardening

Using tools are part of our work routine. We use them everyday.

Here we use a paper to check when we take some tools out and then check it again when we return them.


Hand tools (that needs to be checked)

Hori Hori
Is used in weeding because it’s sharp and long. It can also be used in cutting. It’s a traditional Japanese tool.


Jakoti Shears
It has long cutting edge. It’s used to cutting. We used it to cut hydrangeas.


Used to cut smaller branches and shoots.


Used more in glasshouses and cutting flowers and pot plants.


Can be used to take cuttings and it’s handy tool to keep with you, all the time.


Really useful in cutting trees. It cuts when you pull it not when you push it. Very sharp, be careful.


– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –