3rd week already

This week went quickly as usual. Lots of working.

Hanna has been working with Shaun, the kitchen gardener. Mostly planting lettuce and onion. Sowing carrot, beetroot and lettuce. Supporting peas and beans with string and hazel branches. Keeping tidiness in vegetable display in a glasshouse. Taking bad leafs off and taking pots out if they are already flowering.blogi


Tinja has been working with Anne and planting lilium etc. weeding. thinning side-shoots and tying in cucumbers. Cut some branches. Making support cages for herbaceous.

Taking off last years growth.



Janita has been helping Laura, glasshouse gardener. Replanting orchids, planting Gesneriads rhizome (they looked a bit like worms) potting fuchsia and begonias. Checked succulent plants of mealy bug and aphid. Moving strawberries to a different glasshouse.



– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –