Category Archives: Learning Diaries

Last week in Holland

Hello again! Our last week went very well. We were our workplace two days and the final week we were free. Our boss gave to us present. Our presents was Hoorn own bread, workplaces own cookbook and map. Wednesday was kingsday and people celebrate the same way than in Finland people celebrate may day and midsummer. Everyone on the street had stalls and music.  Thursday and friday we shop our last present to Finland and we took our last pictues. Saturday our fly flyed back to Finland. 🙂 It was very good experience for us and we are thankfully.

Regards Inka and Tsega


We had a long weekend because Monday was a bank holiday. On Friday we went to Novium museum it is about history of England and Chichester.


On Saturday we travelled to Brighton again. This time we went to the Brighton pier. Sun was shining but it was windy.





Sunday we did go to West Dean college open house and Food & folk festivals at the open air museum. We did get free tickets from our work place.




– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

AAA-Group in discomfort zone

Hola chicos, here we are again writing a new post. Now we have two weeks behind in our internship in forestal park. We have been very colorful two weeks, because of many basic problems and those problems are been little cultureshock for us. We have good examples, which are  broken cell phone, hand laundry and spanish and Finnish culture differences at work. It is Finnish style to tell for you bad things first. Dont worry guys, we have done lot of great things too, but i dont know is that good idea to tell for you guys what we have done.

In our last post, we didn’t have any pictures so now you get eleven. Pictures are about basic things in our works and life in Mallorca. Sorry pictures are pretty boring stuff. We hope that we get better material for examples diving with sharks, glide sail or fall tirolina head down. We will do that last one in some day( our supervisor told us).


Adios until next time!

Enter title here (onx pakko jos ei taho)


This was our second week in the repection. Pinja was on the morning shift and Riina was on the evening shift. We have been doing pretty much the same things as in the first week. The only different thing is that we have a Finnish couple as customers. And on the next week we will have a 92 pax group coming from Finland. Sadly (yeah right) we will not be in the reception.

Tomorrow is our last day in that department and on Monday the fate has been cruel and put us in different departments. Riina will be working in the housekeeping (in which they do not speak English, good luck Charlie and have fun studying Spanish) and Pinja in the food & beverage. So, most likely the only day we will be able to see each other on the next week will be Wednesday, thanks to different departments and shifts.

So we had Friday and Saturday free, and we decided to use Friday as a day to explore  the secrets of Porto Pi, a big shopping center.

On the left side is a list of rooms. The yellow ones are clean and free. The other one is a check list that the workers must do during their shifts.
On the left side is a list of rooms. The yellow ones are clean and free. The other one is a check list that the workers must do during their shifts.


nothing funny to say ,

Piña & Rina

Changing display

Yesterday I was making room for a new display in a glasshouse. I did this because the temperature is getting too hot for the salads. First I moved salads to one glasshouse and I kept new salads because they will be  looking nice longer.

Moved and fresh salad display.

I harvested some of the plants to the visitors centre. I throw the rest of the salads to compost and cleaned the pots. Then I raked and weeded the surface and washed the shelves.


Now it’s ready for new plants.

– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

Some weekend plans


We made a new friend yesterday. It was a Robin (Punarinta). When we were weeding, it came to look for a worms. It came really close and was so cute!

Monday will be free because it’s bank holiday here. Here Mayday is a bank holiday and it’s always the nearest Monday.

We have made some weekend plans. Our weekend is fully booked. On Friday we are going to museum at the Chichester, The Novium.

On Saturday we are going to Brighton, again. This time to see the beach and Brighton pier. We are interested to see Brighton pier’s amusement park.

On Sunday there is Open House at the West Dean college and we are going there. We got some free tickets to attempt the open house.

On Monday our plan is to go to Portsmouth and there to the aquarium.

Here are our colleagues.blogi9

– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

Works from yesterday

Yesterday the weather was really weird. We saw sunshine, really strong wind, rain and hail. All in the same day.

Me and Hanna were copping and pruning hydrangeas yesterday. We also were weeding and tidying up the border.


Tinja removed old and bad looking plants and rearranged the pot flower display.  She also removed already grown chillies so that they wouldn’t take all the energy from the plant. Removed tip growth bud from chillies so that the plant will grow sideways.


– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

Töitä ja makaronilaatikkoa

Jeps, sitähän viime viikko lähinnä oli 😀


Melkein yhtä hyvää kun Fazerin!


Sain postia 🙂

Viikonloppu mulla oli onneks vapaana. Perjantaina kävin tutustumassa vähän Honselersdijkin keskustaan (muuhunkin kun supermarkettiin).


Lauantaina illalla grillattiin ja sunnuntai meni lähinnä nukkuessa 🙂. Puoliväli harjoittelusta on nyt takana ja kivaa on ollut!



//Jeap, title sums last week pretty well 😀

Luckily I had again a free weekend. On Friday I did a little sightseeing to Honselersdijk’s centrum (this time not just to supermarket).

On Saturday evening we had a barbecue and on Sunday I slept (yeap, pretty much the whole day). Now half of the training is done and it has been really nice experience so far!