Warm hello from Tenerife!

Hello everyone!

I have now stayed in Tenerife for 7 days. I arrived on Tuesday afternoon.

I started working on Wednesday with the Animación team at the pool. We play different games with people of all ages. We also do “water gym” and other activities.

On Thursday morning I went to the other side of the island with Eva to get my NIE-number. We went to the police station around 8 am and waited in a line for an hour. Once we got inside I got a time for my appointment, and it was at 11.30… So me and my coworker went to get some coffee and went to the bank to pay my NIE.

This far everything has been nice and the weather has been great 🙂




Greetings from Innsbruck!


We have been here for six days and here are some first feelings.12714200_1007933549252308_1375522121_n12736133_1007933519252311_2047283578_n

We arrived at Innsbruck on Sunday evening and our boss Michael picked us up from the airport. He kindly welcomed us and took us to our apartment.

Our apartment is located in the Old town. We live in the old house, on the fourth floor. We absolutely love to live here because all services are behind the corner. The owner of the apartment is very nice young woman. She has told us everything about Innsbruck and Austria.  And if we have any questions or we need something is always very easy to contact her.



There are three places where we are working: mountains Patscherkofel and Nordkette and the small office in the city.

Michael picked us up on Monday morning and we went to the mountain, Patscherkofel. There is a ski school where we are working. We met our workmates there and looked around the area. There were a lot of kids at the ski school this week and everybody were so busy to tell us advices. That’s why we are still a little bit lost what to do.


During this week we have worked lot of with the kids. We have taught basic skiing skills to them and helped them with the lift. We have also done paperworks in the office. Here you can see our working clothes:



Kokonaisuudessaan meillä on hyvät fiilikset täällä olosta. Työ vaikuttaa kivalta ja meidät on otettu todella hyvin vastaan. Meitä pyydettiin myös tiistaina mukaan juhlimaan Itävaltalaisia karnevaaleja. Niitä juhlitaan aina viisi viikkoa ennen pääsiäistä ja silloin ihmiset pukeutuvat naamiasasuihin ja lähtevät kaupungille juhlimaan. Hiihtokoulussa pukeuduttiin tänävuonna Minions-asuihin. On todella ihanaa huomata, että työkaverimme haluavat tutustua meihin ja viettää aikaa yhdessä myöskin vapaa-ajalla.



Odotamme kovasti, että pääsemme työhön vielä paremmin sisään.

Saa nähdä mitä tulevat viikot tuovat tullessaan!

Parhain terveisin,

Tiia, Mandi ja Tanja

Austria, we are coming!

Hello everybody,

We are Mandi, Tiia and Tanja and we study tourism for the last year. We have our last on-the-job learning and we are going to Innsbruck which is one of the biggest tourist area in Austria.  Lots of people all over the world visit there every year because of the Alps.


The city of Innsbruck, former host of the Winter Olympics in 1964 and 1976 as well as the first Youth Olympic Games in 2012 is located in the heart of the Alps.

Innsbruck is famous about its great skiing and snowboarding possibilities. Skiers and snowboarders have access to over 500 kilometers of trails in 25 surrounding village resorts connected by a free ski bus. There are eight major ski areas that provide varied terrain for all levels of skiers.


We will leave next Sunday and stay there for nine weeks. We are going to work at ski school.

Our main duties are still open but we will work with children. We will tell you more when we get there.


Best regards,

Tanja, Mandi and Tiia



Hello everyone ! :)

Hi !

My name is Nea. I am a last year tourism student at Jämsä Vocational School and I’m leaving in February to Tenerife to study abroad. In this post I will introduce to you little bit of the island of Tenerife, and also the hotel that I’m going, which is Globales Tamaimo Tropical !  So, shall we get started ?

Tenerife  is the largest  island of the seven Canary Islands, it is also the most populated island of Spain, with a land area of 2,034.38 square kilometers and  about 898,680 inhabitants, which is 43% of the total population of the Canary Islands.

About five million tourists visit Tenerife each year,  it is the most of any of the Canary Islands.  It is also one of the most important tourist destinations in Spain. Tenerife has two airports, Tenerife North Airport and Tenerife South Airport.

And then something about the hotel itself !

The Globales Tamaimo Tropical Hotel is made up of 372 comfortable apartments and is located in Puerto Santiago in Tenerife between Los Gigantes and the lovely beach known of Playa de la Arena.

At the Globales Tamaimo Tropical Hotel there is a variety of accommodation to choose from such as comfortable studio apartments, large one-bedroom apartments or two-bedroom apartments – ideal for family holidays.

Within the holiday complex there are spacious and peaceful solariums with free sun-lounger service for you to relax in or you can take a refreshing dip in one of the 5 swimming pools (2 adult, 2 kids and 1 heated). For an unforgettable holiday in the sun, entertainment is available for both adults and children from 11:00am to 11:00pm when the disco bar comes to life with with professional night shows.


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Timbeer!!! Czech Lumberjacks are here!


Lumberjacks from Czech Republic are visiting in Jämsä College forestry School.

At the first week they have learned a lot from Finnish forestry, forest certification and manual working in forest.


Quiet, cheerful and rhytmic humming Hi, Ho, Hipiti, Ho break the silence in Leivonmäki National park when we was hiking there at Thursday.


We stoped there and listened the silence of our nature.


Saturday we visited in Jyväskylä and have a really fun day! We taked also the eletrician students with us to enjoy life in Jyväskylä. Students found also two geocatch from the Jyväskylä Ridge (Jyväskylän harju).

After walking tour and looking scenery from observation tower of Vesilinna we walked to a tasty lunch. Students and also Techers Blanka, Hana, Kari and Dormitory Supervisor Riikka eat with heartily!

Be Curious and Brave, be International!

Viděl! Kari Kytömäki, International forestry teacher

Vocational education in Hungary

Small group from Jyväskylä Educational Consortium / Jämsä Colege visited in Hungary at Budapest region 7-11.11.2015. Aim of the visit was develop Cooperation between Finnish and Hungarian schools. Finnish participants were Aino Malin, Petteri Järvinen, Ari Salmela and Kari Kytömäki.


Danube and Budapest

Monday 9.11.2015 we visited in Varga Márton Kertészeti és Földmérési Szakképző Iskola vocational School. We had a great pleasure to see teachers and students at duty on their College. Study line of the food processing industry was quite interesting! Students made traditional sausages, many different types of jams & juices, they also have own brewery and distillery.

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300 meters sausages per day!                        Schools own brewery!

After lunch at afternoon we visited at local Vocational school of Agriculture. Harvest season was over, but some students were training with horses (Lippizan!!!) and taking care of cattle.


Students training with Lippizan!

Tuesday was the day for horticulture, land surveying and forestry. Early on the morning we visited at Varga Márton Kertészeti és Földmérési Szakképző Iskola schools horticulture and land surveying department. We had a nice tour in small Arboretum at schools back yard. After Arboretum we cheked greenhouses. The highlight of the tour was nice Japanese garden.

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Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) in Japanese Garden           Basil pots in Schools greenhouse

Afternoon it was time to visit at local Vocational School of Forestry. Forestry School is located at Piliscsaba town. Piliscsaba is part of Budapest metropolitan area, distance from Forestry School to Budapest is about 35km. Study lines in Piliscsaba Forestry School are manually logging (with chain saw), game Management and Multiple use of forests.


Cable Skidder for whole stem logging

Be Curious and Brave, be International!

Best regards: Kari Kytömäki, International forestry teacher

Our last blog

It has been a while when we last time wrote a blog.

Time has went really fast and now is time to go home.

Three weeks ago we were in local vocational school with Jussi. Students made a presentation about Ibiza and cooked local foods for us. One day later we went to the old town (Dalt Vila), where students gave us a tour. They told about history and important places.

We did a skills demonstration this week that had different kind of installations and tasks. Skills demonstration went well and both of us get it done.

In the last day our work mates offered foods and drinks and gave us few gifts.

Hola Ibiza!

I was in Spain and more specifically in Ibiza which is part of Balearic Islands. Two electrical engineering students to do their on-the-job learning in Ibiza Town. Catalan is most spoken language in Balearic Island, so on many places can see name Eivissa, what is Ibiza in Catalan.

Medori electricidad ulkoa

Students start their on-the-job period on end of September and they will come back after 8 week on mid-November. Student’s wok in local electrical company Medori Electricicad and they just do normal electrical installations like in Finland.

Mikko ja putket

Here is Mikko and he just doing installations on local house. They will change main connection from 3-phase to 1-phase system. In Ibiza it is usual that houses use 1-phase system, because they don’t have a devices what need 3-phase system (like sauna heaters).


Here is Aleksi and he was tearing down old installation in local adult school. After that they will install new electrical appliances there.

moottori ohjaus

Here is picture from local school and its electrical engineering workshop. Students in workshop made direct on like starter for motor. Miniature circuit breakers (MCB), contractors, overload units seems to be same kind what we use. The local students was friendly and only few of them spoken English.

Group on Dalt Vila

Here we are on Dalt Vila (upper town) what is old town in Ibiza town. Tourism students give as a guided tour in Dalt Vila. The tourist season in Ibiza was over, so there was pretty quiet. But weather was nice, sun shine and temperature was in the daytime 20-22°C and in the evenings about 15°C.


Jussi Ahonen

Electrical Engineering Teacher

greetings from ibiza !


Everything has went very well.  While ago we moved to new flat and it’s very nice. Location is little bit better than the old. Grocery stores, city and the work place are closer now. Here lives the owner of the apartment and her son with us.

Last week we visited local vocational school. Dani showed school to us and introduced us some students.

Here are few pictures from electrical department.


