fifth week in Luua


monday to wednesday we were sawing whit chainsaw´s on finalfelling area. we fell very big trees, stamp diameter of the bigest trees are 70cm. Tuomas clim up to tree and prune it cause the felling wire must connect to tree. Thursday we destroyed beavers dam whit the iron hooks. Friday we marking harvesting area.

best regards Tuomas and Eemeli

AAA-Groupin Final days together

Hola chicos, time is running so fast in here, thats why we have not had time to write post, because days are pretty long in here and heat is not easy for Finns. Now we are spending our last days with AAA-group, because Artturi leaves back to Finland in may 21st, but Aatu and Antti are still staying here.

We have great news about our internship, because we got job offer from director of Forestal park. That tells for you,  ours Finnish workethics and motivations of the internship. We have enjoyed our time in Forestal park. Here is hot as in Finlands best days in summer, but nothing beat the real Finnish rain.

We have tried a lot to do many different activities, but always something fails and thats why we did not get chance to parafly or dive with sharks, but have seen lot of places in Mallorca. Good example is Muro, there is nothing for anybody, but maybe you can buy more muros in some market of Muro like cornflakes.

Artturi’s last feelings: Feels good to come back Finland after nice time in Mallorca. This has been awesome experience.  Artturi 1 Mallorca 0. Thanks for great spanish friends, ies bendinat, forestal park and else, who are made this internship possible.





Last day, last post

33 days of working, 256 hours of working, in which 17 hours of break, and on the top of that 66 hours of standing in the crowded bus. In the end we didn’t get the best grades but not the worst either. But we got the best for us. And feedback about being on the right track.

This week we worked with our “instructor” from Monday to Wednesday (in other words, we worked with her maybe half of the time and the other half we were rubbing plates etc). And in the end we didn’t sit down and talk about the practice with her, she only gave us the papers and said have a good flight, thank you. Well maybe it is partly our fault for not asking feedback from the departments. Okay then.

We had two pictures from the last day but this blog didn’t let us add them. Happy to say goodbye to this blog.

Get ready Finland, we are coming home,
Piña & Rina

long time no see. Ireland girl


The final weeks are exported. Here’s the deal much has had time to occur. My parents came to visit , and that’s why became a bit more extensive traveling here in Ireland.  Also, the skills demonstration is after completing through.

Here some pictures from me.

  1. Aillwee Cave view   2. Cliffs of Moher 3. Cliffs of Moher  4. Surfers  5. Typical old time house to irish people  6. Poulnabrone  7.-10. Little bit country photosIMG_5461 IMG_5528 IMG_5541 IMG_5557 IMG_5569 IMG_5594 IMG_5686 IMG_5695 IMG_5723 IMG_5733


Cockroaches and dishes


This week has been pretty much same as the last week. Pinja has been doing the morning shift at housekeeping and Riina the evening shift in food & beverage.

In housekeeping the work has been pretty much the same, just checking if the rooms are ready for the customers. And in F&B Riina has been doing some room service by taking food to the rooms. And cleaning the dishes.



we can count the remaining working days with one hand,

Riina & Pinja

Goodbye Chichester

Today it’s our last day at working in West Dean gardens. It have been nice and we have learnt a lot new things in gardening and in everyday life.

Tomorrow we are leaving early on the morning and we will get a train to London. We have booked a hotel for us so we can enjoy a day in London. Our flight leaves on Saturday at Heathrow airport around 6pm.

It’s nice to go home but we all would have loved to be here a little longer than 6 weeks. 6 weeks is a short time to get to know the town and everything around it.

We thank everyone who made this happen and we are grateful of the opportunity to get to see English way in gardening and in life.

xoxo, Finnish girls..

– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

Vähiin käy ennen kun loppuu

Tosiaan viimeinen työpäivä oli eilen ja lauantai-illalla kutsuukin jo koti-Suomi, sitä ennen on tosin edessä vielä yhden yön reissu Amsterdamiin 🙂 aika menee hurjan nopeasti!

Viime viikolla kävin lauantaina Rotterdamissa, uskomattoman hieno paikka! Vanha ja uusi samaan aikaan, tykkäsin tosi paljon. Illalla taas vähän grillailtiin . Jos jotain oon mun ihanilta puolalaiskämppiksiltä oppinut niin sen, että Puolassa syödään… ja juodaan paljon ja hyvin 😀


Tosiaan alkuviikosta pyörähdin vielä töissä muutaman päivän…





//I had yesterday my last workday and and on Saturday will be my last day in Holland. Before that I still have overnight trip to Amserdam 🙂 Time goes so fast!

Last week I want to Rotterdam on Saturday and it was so amazing! So new and old at the same time, I loved it. In the evening we had again barbecue . If I have learned something from my lovely Polish roommates it’s that in Poland they eat… and drink a lot (don’t blame them tough, their food is heaven) 😀
