Greetings from Legoland and the second work week


Greetings from Legoland and the second work week


It was nice to visit in Legoland. The previous time was about twenty years ago. Things haven’t changed a lot there. Many of  the figures were exactly  the same as before.


Second working week

We continued where we finished last week. We planted rest of the plants in that private garden. Pretty nice, isn’t it?

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The following job

We seeded grass. I did it with Rasmus and it took two work days. The area was about four hundred square meters. First we softened that area by excavator.  (photos under)

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Then we collected all stones away and spread new soil. (photos under)

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Finally we straightened the area by harrow.  I sowed the seeds by a
machine. The machine scatters and presses the seeds to the ground. (photos under)

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It was nice that Rasmus allowed me to use those machines by myself. We were happy with the end result!

Rest of the week

Hedge cutting continued…

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