Category Archives: Learning Diaries

Last days!

Hello! This will be my last blog update. Today was my last workday and tomorrow i will go to the bank for my salary. Then tomorrow i’ll pack my stuffs so it will be ready for saturday when i come back Finland!

well. About this final week. SO BUSY, we have like 1000 people eating so lot of work.

This week we had special decorations because days 21.6, 23,6 and 24,6 we have Sant Juan Ciutadella festivals! I have some photos about these.

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I was watching this festival one day. There was like 300 people or more in the streets and following horsemans. The idea of the festival: First horseman takes the Sant juan flag from the balcony and like 50 more horsemans follow this first one. Then people follow these horsemans.

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And this is the flag of Sant Juan:


I have to say thanks everybody for making this trip possible for me! This has been so amazing and teaching.


Hello! Two weeks anymore before i go back Finland.

About last week. It has been normal but more busier because 2 days ago the hotel got 100 new tourists. So more and more work coming 🙂

My roommate Lukas went work other place than me so i had to do all the things on my own again. He said me that next week i go to work in another place than salad place, maybe.

Here is some photos about this week:
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And this is the beach where I always go after work or day offs.

Cala en Forcat:

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Hello again!

Hello there. Time is like flying here in Menorca. This week has been so busy because there is all the time more and more people coming to eat. Now we have like 600 people coming to eat for day. Next 2 weeks we will have like 1000 people eating for day. So even busier weeks coming!

This week has been normal except one special day we had 1 extra buffet for 100 people.

Here is some photos about the extra buffet:

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Hola de nuevo!

I have to say i’m sorry for not writing blog for long time. It’s been really busy because i had to get the NIE number and i got a little problems with that. After NIE number i needed to get my security number so that I can work here in Spain. After all I finally got internet (today) for my laptop.

So about this and earlier week. Couple days ago i got new roommate His name is Lucas and hes from Czech. Hes 18 and he came to work in the same kitchen as I. Hes working in same place as me, so i had to teach him what i have learned. I have been doing other work when he is doing everything what i used to do. I have done everything what my teacher chef Angel tells me to do, like special salads to the buffet. Angel showed me how many clients there will be in this month. This week we have like 500 people for day. After 2 week we will have more like 900-1000 people for day so it will be busier and more work.

I have learned how to do many beautiful decorations. I have couple photos what i have done. And some of them are made by Angel  IMG_3031 IMG_3124 IMG_3127IMG_3034IMG_3126


IMG_2950And this is my funny and casual chef teacher Angel. Believe me, hes a really good teacher. 🙂

Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry The END

Hey everyone! The last week is nearly over and we didn’t really have time to do anything else other than practicing on simulators. The trip has been extremely nice, apart from some little drawbacks that we were able to handle. But no we’ll look towards the upcoming summer holiday and next falls semester. And a special thanks to all of you people who made this trip possible for us! A very VERY big thank you


Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry part 5

Howdy! We started this week by getting to know different lumber types and measurements and already on the next day we got back onto the forest to thinning it on harvester. There the whole week went by like flying! At first we had some little challenges, but after some practicing things started to work out and the aftermath was appealing to not only ours, but to the teachers eyes too! We still have one week to go and after that, we’ll be coming back to home!


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So it’s time to tell u about this week here in Menorca.

This week has been kinda same as last week but few things i would like to tell you.

I have been cutting fruits and vegetables as last week but i’m now more own initiative. This week was normal but one day was special because we had one extra buffet for 450 people. We did special salads and very beautiful decorations. Now i also have pictures!

So here is some photos about the extra buffet:IMG_2814 IMG_2819 IMG_2820IMG_2821IMG_2827


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That was really busy day because i had to keep the other 3 buffet up.

About my day offs: I went to Cietadella for shopping and walking. I went to Cietadella’s cathedral. It was so beautiful out- and inside.

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Only internet i have in the hotel is free 30 min wifi so it’s really hard to write a blog or talk with friends sometimes. But there is one bar with free internet just 2 min walk from the hotel. The owner is so funny and kind. He has been saving my days when i needed to use internet 🙂IMG_2792 IMG_2797

Now in Vadsø!!


Time is running so fast that I don’t have a time even write a blog! I’m sorry that I have forget to write here allso what i have done here in Norway.

Okay where to start….

I was two weeks in Ostføld to visiting 4H. I had a wonderfull time! Most of the time I was at the office and visiting other 4H clubs. When  I was visiting at the clubs I notice how different is 4H in Norway! 😀 I don’t know how to explane the differnces but there is quite many of them. You can visit to my other blog and read there the differences because it’s hard to write it to english, I’m sorry for that! :/

I see allmost hole Ostføld because I had so nice hostfamily who take me every where even to Sweden!! 😀 In Ostføld you can’t see mountains but you see cute wooden houses and lot of country side! 🙂

Bodø was very different place than Ostføld! If you watch at the map you can see that Bodø is more north maybe middle of Norway. There was MOUNTAINS!!! BIG HUGE MOUNTAINS! I was in heaven! <3

4H work in Bodø was more focus on city farms. 4H city farms is place where is different kinds of farm animals like pigs,hens, sheep etc. In Bodø city farm there was allso bakery and they make very good bread. I stay at hostfamilies and one of the hostfamily was leader of 4h Bodø. They take very good care of me! <3

The first weekend I was sleeping out side because of the event Under øpna himmel. We stay at the beach and at the beach you can see the Lofoten islands! And of course beautiful sunset 🙂 But I didn’t  sleep well because it was so freezing cold!

In Bodø I see little bit office work but most of the time I was in meetings, visiting at clubs and helpinf at the 4H farm 🙂


Very different nature than Bodø. Here is more tuntureita than mountains. Here is not many trees. Maanday I arrive to Kirkenes and then me and Mailiz went to Palsvik. In Palsvik has a 4H farm and we help couple days at farm. Doing farm work. Now I’m in Vadsø at the 4H office. I’m sorry that I don’t have any pictures here but I write this text at the office computer and all of the pictures are in my own computer 🙁 I promise I will send here pictures later! Only pictures! 😀

Hade! Hade bra!


Adventure of Olli and Konsta in Luua Forestry part 4

So, it is time to tell to you, what we have done on this week.

This week was pretty much same than last week. On Monday we went to cut some big trees which was too big to harvester. Tuesday – Friday we went to forest and we thin out with chainsaws. It was rainy week over here so we didnt went to outside at all. Hopely the weekend will be more sunny! Two weeks left and we are going to drive some machines, not sure. This is pretty hard to write about this week becuase we didnt do anything interesting.

Here is some pictures what I took from Monday, Enjoy. -Olli

20150504_130143[1] A big pine has fallen.

20150504_122035[1]The stump of pine

20150424_075140[1] Area of the school.


Greetings from sunny Menorca.

Hello there. The First week here in Menorca, Spain. I arrived at the hotel Almirante Farragut last Sunday and the staff took me very well received. They showed me my room and i got rest of the day free so i checked the area little bit.

Monday morning i went to the kitchen and chef named David gave me my kitchen clothes and some other advises. The first days i have been helping with the salads. I’ve done many kind of salads, but mostly vegetable and fruit cutting for the buffet.

After work i have been mostly walked and circlet the area, beaches and shops.

Wednesday morning I went to police station to get my NIE number, but I need to complete an application that I can get it.