Category Archives: Learning Diaries

Cockroaches and treatments

7 days at the spa are over and at least the same amount of cockroaches met their death by Riina’s hands. May they rest in peace in the spa’s trash bin.

Working has been same old, same old. On Thursday the boss helped us to do peeling treatments to each other (which was hella awkward but the skin felt so smooth afterwards). On Friday Riina got to be in thongs again in front of five people when they were practising the sellulite treatment (no reason to do that for her tho) on her. Feet felt much lighter after that so it was worth it.

On Saturday we went to the citysightseeing tour on bus (we got free tickets from our workmate from spa ♥ (AND FREE HEADPHONES!!!)). It was a nice change to our bus trips to the hotel. We actually got to sit down. In upstairs feeling the wind and the sun 🙂 We saw a lot of nice places like the castle.

And today we went to Palma Aquarium. It was a really fancy place with sea cucumbers and fish. Lots of fish. We got a discount there since the spa boss gave it to us ♥ gotta love ’em.


A walk on the beach when the sun sets is quite a sight to see
A walk on the beach when the sun sets is quite a sight to see
The castle something
The castle something
Hui hai
Hui hai
Seahorses ♥
Seahorses ♥


still wondering how we haven’t got lost yet,

Pinja & Riina

Best wishes from Holland

Hello again! 🙂 This weeks went very well. We did work and we got see others wards. It was very interesting and instructive.  On thursday we went our instructor`s school and there we got to know new things examble what is Nederland`s nurses education.  We got to practice some nurse`s work examble venous blood test. Our in-charge chattered whit us and then she took us to Alkmaar. She took us to Egmont long sund Beach, There we drank coffee and ate apple pie then we went to Alkmaar centrum. It was beautifull and old city. On saturday we went to Amsterdam and there we took pictures and we were shopping. In the evening we went to Chunnel on a cruise. We saw all Amsterdam and we got to know Amsterdam history.   Tsega is going to add some off ours pictures! 🙂


Pruning trees and bushes

Yesterday we were pruning Salix alba vitallina ‘Britzensis’ trees and copping Hydrangea. We also were pollarding Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’.

All work of the day

Cutting Salix was interesting and new to us. We cut all last years’ growth off. They may look a bit weird now but it maintains the shape of the tree and it doesn’t grown too big. It was traditional way of cutting so that the sheeps wouldn’t eat the branches.blogi14


Salix alba vitallina ‘Britzensis’ is producing haze of striking red winter shoots. It usually is coppiced every 2nd or 3rd year. Here they do it every year.

– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

Replanting orchids

If the pot is too small and orchid have grown too big for it. If they are really old and if there is dead parts that you want to remove.

First take the orchid you want to replant off the pot, carefully. You can divide the plants by cutting them parts. As big as you want.
Make orchid growing media
4 parts bark
1 part perlite
1 part charcoal

Mix them together and put small amount to bottom of the pot. Orchids prefer little bit smaller pots.
Put the orchid in the pot and fill rest of the pot with growing media. Planting has to be quite tight.

Remove the flowers
Final result after dividing and replanting

– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

Our first week at the West Dean Gardens

Our first week went well. We worked from Monday to Thursday because we had a course of how to grow cut flowers on Saturday so Friday was free.


– Planting and replanting
– Weeding
– Pot washing
– Burned old hay on field
– Raking
– Removing planted plants
– Cutting apple and pear trees

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– Checking temperature at glass houses
– Taking plant cuttings
– Pot washing
– Removing bad leafs
– Cutting apple and pear trees
– Planting plants

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– Cutting apple and pear trees
– Planting salads
– Sowing seeds
– Pricking out basil
– Putting support canes for cucumber
– Cutting Gooseberry

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– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –

AAA-Group finally in Mallorca (without Pia)

Hola, we are here in Palmanova. We are at the moment in La Cartuja writing  blog and eating good food. We have been so busy, because of that our siesta’s are been too short.

What we have at the moment in our minds: -Antti “Only seven weeks still lefts”, -Aatu ” Is this a dream”, -Artturi ” Like a Finnish Summer all day long and it is going to be better and better”.

We had been a great time with a many activities and we have got a lot of good experience. You can see the best ones in our pictures.  image image image imageimage