All posts by Annica

Many things have happened


So our school in here is over. Thank you to all students and teachers who were with us and taught new things to us <3  We went to the beach to swim and play some volley with students and it was SO fun 😛 We will miss you guys!

And we started working wednesday at Forestal Park (It was my birthday too hahah). I’m very afraid of highs and I was thinking that if this was a bad idea, but I think I’m doing well 😀 I won myself and climped up and it wasn’t so bad 😛 We still have to learn many new things, but I think that we will learn fast 🙂 Workers at Forestal Park are so nice to us <3

Another day we went to the beach with Sanna and Katja and we had a great day <3 Evening we went to watch sunset and it was SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

Aaaaaand we have been shopping, chilling and eating……and been lost a couple of times, but we have always found our way to home 😀

I really love this place and I’m happy that I came here <3 Sorry mom, but I think I’m not coming home 😛

So that’s all for now. Good night everyone!


Our first day in Spain!!

So…our buss left from Jyväskylä to Helsinki at 2:00 am. We were VERY tired, but at the same time very excited 😛

When we arrived at the airport I was a little bit nervous, because it was going to be my first time flying :O Aino was little bit nervous too, but fortunately she has flyed before, so we were’nt so lost at the airport 😛

But when our plane was in the air, I relaxed. It was SO cool and beautiful <3 We loved every second.

4 hours later we arrived at Palma’s airport. We already love this city. It’s so warm and beautiful in here <3 (When at the same time in Finland is snowing hahahah) People are so nice and friendly 🙂 I think we will stay in here forever 😛

But now we are going to sleep 🙂 Good night everyone <3 It was a very nice day today!
