Hola Ibiza!

I was in Spain and more specifically in Ibiza which is part of Balearic Islands. Two electrical engineering students to do their on-the-job learning in Ibiza Town. Catalan is most spoken language in Balearic Island, so on many places can see name Eivissa, what is Ibiza in Catalan.

Medori electricidad ulkoa

Students start their on-the-job period on end of September and they will come back after 8 week on mid-November. Student’s wok in local electrical company Medori Electricicad and they just do normal electrical installations like in Finland.

Mikko ja putket

Here is Mikko and he just doing installations on local house. They will change main connection from 3-phase to 1-phase system. In Ibiza it is usual that houses use 1-phase system, because they don’t have a devices what need 3-phase system (like sauna heaters).


Here is Aleksi and he was tearing down old installation in local adult school. After that they will install new electrical appliances there.

moottori ohjaus

Here is picture from local school and its electrical engineering workshop. Students in workshop made direct on like starter for motor. Miniature circuit breakers (MCB), contractors, overload units seems to be same kind what we use. The local students was friendly and only few of them spoken English.

Group on Dalt Vila

Here we are on Dalt Vila (upper town) what is old town in Ibiza town. Tourism students give as a guided tour in Dalt Vila. The tourist season in Ibiza was over, so there was pretty quiet. But weather was nice, sun shine and temperature was in the daytime 20-22°C and in the evenings about 15°C.


Jussi Ahonen

Electrical Engineering Teacher