What have we been up to..?

We have been 2 weeks (soon 3) in England now and it have went quite good and really fast.

We have eat the English breakfast at 12 o’clock afternoon in restaurant, went to Brighton doing shopping, saw some live music and met friendly people.

Hanna’s vegetarian breakfast

Brighton was beautiful, although all our time went shopping that day so we need to go there again to see more of the beach. To get to the Brighton from Chichester we needed to take the bus to Little Hampton and from there a bus to Brighton. The journey took about 3 hours but it was worth it.

“Best” picture of us

blogiYesterday when we were going to work, our bus didn’t arrive. Apparently it broke on the way. So we didn’t arrive to work on time, we called that and explained it. The next bus was on time and we get to work only a half hour late.

– Hanna, Tinja & Janita –