Modules are based on EMEU and will be created in order for the partners to describe learning activities and define learning outcomes and assessment criteria that are the basis of mobility and exchanges between partners. The module descriptions provide a window for students and teachers for choosing international mobilities within the appropriate level to fit individual abilities and study programs of the students.
Neue Jazzschool München

Riga Cathedral Choir School
Kainuu Vocational College
Conservatory for Music and Ballet Ljubljana
Rijn IJssel
Mārtiņš – Jyvaskyla
After the first week of the mobility, Mārtiņš was joined with 2 other students from Riga Cathedral Choir School – Megija and Akims, as well as one of his teachers Zigmunds. As students of Riga Cathedral Choir School study and play mainly jazz music, during the mobility they got to experience all kinds of different genres – pop music, folk music and heavy metal. Besides studying, they managed to enjoy the famous Finnish sauna, attend jazz music concerts and even dance classes. The final concert took place in the school’s concert hall and was professionally equipped and organized. Mārtiņš and other students were pleasantly surprised that the concert is made in close collaboration with other departments of the school – video operators, sound directors, make-up artists and others.
Miks – Kajaani
The study process during the mobility was intensive, but in the free time Miks got, he managed to experience swimming in freezing cold water and going to gym. Miks admits that he was initially worried about going to Finland alone, but later realized that is was very valuable experience and it gave the opportunity to get to know the locals much better.
Mārcis – Munich
During the exchange, Marcis got the opportunity to learn from outstanding masters of German jazz music. In addition, thanks to his own willpower, he managed to meet and even arrange a private one-on-one lesson with a high-class drummer from China. Marcis appreciated that the professional level and requirements at Neue Jazz School were at a very high level and that the tasks at times were challenging.