Requirements for joining MusicXchain

The applicant organisation should 

  • provide music education on vocational EQF level 4 or higher 
  • be a VET institute in the EU or in a third country eligible for Erasmus+ funding
  • offer a music program in the style of pop, rock, jazz and/or modern 
  • be interested in development of students’ transversal skills, such as networking, digital and entrepreneurial competences, in transnational cooperation
  • have organisational (management level) support for MusicXchain activities including allocation of staff hours e.g. needed for hosting students and staff as well as willingness to cover travel costs of own staff and students to participate in network activities and cover their share of the networks annual costs with own or external funding 
  • nominate a contact person for coordinating activities with the MusicXchain SG
  • be willing to offer one mobility module per year for MusicXchain network members
  • be willing to offer to receive both students and staff members at least once a year for at least two weeks for students and one week for staff at a time
  • nominate a contact person for the incoming students and staff at least two weeks before arrival (if not the same person as the contact person for the network)
  • be willing to provide advice and clear information for the sending organisation for mobility arrangements such as local transport to ensure students’ safety and suggestions regarding accommodation arrangements
  • have access to a computer with internet connection 
  • be willing to create content for VML (virtual music lab) once a year
  • be able to upload digital, educational content to the platform 
  • be interested in sharing digital, educational content with their students and teaching staff 

You can apply to become a member here: