The project Introduction
An open VR environment for training customer service skills in hospitality, hair & beauty, retail and consultancy. Think of a virtual shopping mall with different companies where you as a student or employee can practice different situations. Think of an unsatisfied customer or guest, finding out wishes or welcoming guests.
VR4VET is committed to improving “Customer Service” training in vocational education (VET) and business. This is realized by creating a VR environment in which “Customer Service skills” can be trained. The initiative arose from the need, both in education and in business, to practice complex or challenging situations. VR4VET aims to provide students and employees with a safe and realistic training environment within VR, where they can practice and learn from each other.
The project is a partnership (Erasmus+ KA2 project) between several European educational institutions and companies (Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Spain). This partnership was formed with a shared focus on integrating inclusive digital skills in education, leveraging international networks, and the ambitions and experiences to apply VR technologies in vocational education.

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Project timeline

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