Buenos Dias <3



My first week is done. A few things that I have learned to respect in such a short time are FRIENDS and FAMILY. I’ve never travelled alone, and this is and will be a very instructive journey. I didn’t think that six hour time difference compared to Finland would be bad but it is, I don’t really have time to communicate with my friends in Finland since they go to bed when I’m still at work and I am sleeping when they go to work in the mornings. I miss them and speaking Finnish with them.

I’ve had to do real jobs here. In many places, trainees do what nobody else bothered to do. In my experience, this place and Hirvikartano are model examples of how students are treated. You can never learn if you cannot do anything besides cleaning up. My boss is a great gal, really robust and outspoken. The kind of person that I like, similar to me. I find it easy to talk about things directly, and not to make everything difficult by going around and act as it should be. She gives me tasks and gives me the freedom to explore and to finish them, without all the time breathing behind my back. I appreciate that she trusts the company’s business for a Finnish idiot 😀 We even discussed that in future I could start organizing travel packages for people from Finland to come surfing here. That is, I probably have not fully fucked up my first working week 😀

Last Tuesday I had a free day and I used it by getting to know places. How cool the rented scooter can be to allow me to easily get from one place to another. The public “bus” or whatever Corolla is handy and cheap, but somehow not my thing. Taxi works, but it costs over longer time. The scooter is such a spectacular vehicle here. It really works !! I rented it for a month. Yesterday evening aired home, I felt alive and was burning with happiness, it was so cool  <3

I also went surfing last week and how cool can it be? Coolest ever, I am so happy and I will use all my possible free time to continue learning it. Many people told me I couldn’t do it, it would be too difficult. I got to stand up on board on the third trial which is well done from the first time beginner. THAT’S ABOUT IT!! I also want to try kitesurfing and I will try it. I will take all the pleasure out of this.

FREEDOM is different compared to at home, but it has been my choice. Having animals limits your life surprisingly much. People always say “they are just animals” but for me they are all my life and my family. And they are a big responsibility. They cannot be left alone for 12 hours. So they always require me to spend time with them. I love to do it, but this feeling of freedom is awesome too. I did not experience it until I was on holiday here in paradise with my soul friend in December.

Writing a blog once a week was said to be enough to at least know that I’m alive and well. This has also been a good way to open up by typing my ideas and thoughts. If not being compulsory, this would not be done, but now that this is a part of my international work I really enjoy it.

All this has been more than awesome, I have met new people from all around the world and hey I even saw three Finns 😀

In this place the sense of time is completely lost, I don’t even know what day it is. I find it difficult to concentrate myself to writing even in Finnish not to mention in English, but in full silence and peace I try my best – the success is another thing.

XoXo <3